1000 Gallon Build- Here we go- Lots of Pictures

Fantastic, amazing tank sir. Im in real estate, on the lender side, but love seeing amazing houses and architecture within said houses. Very nice. My wife loved your wife's 2 story closet... so thanks for that. :)

Concerning your algae growth; it's ugly, its annoying to look at, but it's part of the cycle. I've learned to just let it be. Keep up your good husbandry habits and it'll eventually die down. I've been waiting out a really bad GHA outbreak for about 5 months now on my current tank. It's nearly gone at this point though. My previous 2 tanks, same issue. I find that the larger a war we wage on algae, the longer it takes us to win it and we might make changes that screw up something else. So Im all about letting it die down naturally. With help from those natural tangs as well... ;)
Fantastic, amazing tank sir. Im in real estate, on the lender side, but love seeing amazing houses and architecture within said houses. Very nice. My wife loved your wife's 2 story closet... so thanks for that. :)

Concerning your algae growth; it's ugly, its annoying to look at, but it's part of the cycle. I've learned to just let it be. Keep up your good husbandry habits and it'll eventually die down. I've been waiting out a really bad GHA outbreak for about 5 months now on my current tank. It's nearly gone at this point though. My previous 2 tanks, same issue. I find that the larger a war we wage on algae, the longer it takes us to win it and we might make changes that screw up something else. So Im all about letting it die down naturally. With help from those natural tangs as well... ;)

Hey where were you when I was trying to finance this beast? :) Just kidding. Thanks for the comments. Im on standby with the algae. I just did a 15 gallon water change with my reef genesis renew with a touch of a button. That coupled with the daily water changes- I have to say the water is looking crystal clear and spectacular algae be damned!

This is some pretty in depth planning for building a large fish tank, I'm impressed by the size of the project.

Thanks so much. Glad you enjoyed it. Im impressed I was able to con, errrr I mean convince the wife to let me do this.
have to say the water is looking crystal clear and spectacular algae be damned!

For some reason, I got a chuckle out of this comment. :lolspin: Carry on
Great build. Glad to see all the info on the Genesis as I'm considering it now. Just now getting through a gha outbreak myself. Such a pain but patience seems to be your best friend.
One benefit of a bit of GHA or any non-harmful but aesthetically annoying algae is that microfauna flourishes (copepods and down) on the stuff. If you wanted you could probably spike the population of microfauna while the bioload is otherwise low and they could get a solid foothold. I have some GHA right now and my spotted mandarin hangs out near it half the day.

Also, I asked Scott for the details of the fridge feeding system awhile ago and yup! I have seen another on here that actually had a feed of tank water through a manifold through the fridge at pre-set times. In the fridge is a rotating tray on a simple timer and when it spins the cubes of food in there drop in to the water flow thaw and return to the tank through the pumps. Clever, clean, but a bit more complex than the DOS.
Tank is looking great. I think a giant school of like 60 of the red spot glass cardinals (Apogon parvulus ) would look amazing. They school tightly and have been pretty easy to care for so far in my tank. I bought mine from divers den and they eat anything.
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Apogon parvulus may shoal in the wild where there are predators but in the aquarium where there is no pressure they tend to spread out after a while.

Will depend on how long you've had them (at least one year) and if there is another tank member that they are afraid of.

Is there an automated parameter checker? Meaning, can I check phosphates, nitrates, calcium, mag and alk electronically instead of a test kit?
Mindstream would be a great option if you can justify the cost of $30 discs needing to be replaced every month plus the initial $500-600 for the unit which doesn't communicate with a controller.

Personally once a tank reaches maturity and you gain experience with the visual cues of happy or upset corals, I've found that I hardly ever test my water. Once every couple months.
Cuzza- didn't know there was a monthly cost. That is a deal killer for me. You are right- I just need to stop being lazy and just test my stuff the old fashion way. I haven't checked phosphates in a bit and now that I'm adding some corals- just want to keep track of ca/alk/mag