I double check my Hanna all the time and they are spot on. if you don't clean and dry the vials with a proper cloth, you will have issues. I wipe the outside of the viles before every reading stage of the tests, and always where nitrile gloves to avoid finger prints. How long were you letting the reagents sit around?The Hannah is always nice to have a quick check. However I have found that as the checker solution sits around, it loses accuracy. Sometimes by the end of the bottle I can get a reading almost 2dkh different than my Salifert Alk test.
Calcium one seems to always read incredibly higher than my Red Sea test. I would have 100ppm differences sometimes. I have since sold that.
I have checked them both against calibration fluids as well, and my points proved correct.
Thanks Tradewinds. Its definitely been a labor of love the tank. Have it getting stocked pretty nicely as well. Gonna add some bigger fish soon. Ill do my best to keep things updated.
I have also found that slowly rolling the vial sideways to scrape off microbubbles from the sides helps too.I double check my Hanna all the time and they are spot on. if you don't clean and dry the vials with a proper cloth, you will have issues. I wipe the outside of the viles before every reading stage of the tests, and always where nitrile gloves to avoid finger prints. How long were you letting the reagents sit around?
It's 2016! New pictures should be coming :wave:
Great build. Thanks
Spent the morning reading this from beginning to end! Couldn't put the phone down! Amazing build both home and tanks! Nice to see that you success hasn't stopped you from being a regular guy! Thanks for sharing and can't wait to see more!
biggest problem I had with turbo's is that they bulldoze stuff. they can knock over coral frags and rockwork, if not secured. I had one in my 50 gal for about 7 years until tank crashed. Kids named him Mr. Big Snail.
They can't right themselves either. Will die if they fall upside down and aren't flipped back over.
Sorry, I might be getting my snails mixed up.I have never had a problem with Mexican turbos righting themselves. They do get large eventually - the size of a hardball. At that size they can become bulldozers, but usually the hermit crabs get them before they reach that size.
I thought it was astrea snails that had the problems righting themselves.
So all my fish and coral are doing great except one Duncan colony. Half is wide open and flowing in the current while the other half is completely closed up. This coral is about a month old and was open and full till about 2 days ago. Any ideas on what could be going on? Nothing as been changed in the tank lately.