Cuzza- didn't know there was a monthly cost. That is a deal killer for me. You are right- I just need to stop being lazy and just test my stuff the old fashion way. I haven't checked phosphates in a bit and now that I'm adding some corals- just want to keep track of ca/alk/mag
Check the Hanna Checkers"¦ I personally like the Alkalinity and Phosphorous URL test kit because they are very easy to use and you don't' have to do a hundred steps to get a result, plus they are accurate.
For Nitrate I use salifert, not as easy as the Hanna but compare to others its one of the easiest in my opinion.
For Calcium, Hanna makes one but its not as easy to use as the Alk and Phosphorous.
For Mag I use Salifert as well.
Once the tank has gone through the cycle you will likely never test for Ammonia or Nitrite unless something goes wrong and all the fish die or you keep addend fish and die within days.
I would invest in the following test kits:
Hanna ----> alk, cal, phosphorous URL
Salifert ---> Mag, Nritate