1050 Gallon Tank Pics

holy cow, that is one sweet tank. when are you gong to starting fragging some of your awesome corals. i would like to be on that list.
dgasmd said:
I would forget about the purple queen anthias. I have been so tempted myself, but they are nearly impossible to keep. I say nearly impossible because I am sure there is someone that has a couple in their tank. I know of at least 11 people that have tried them in very very successfull tanks and not a single one is alive 4 months later. Just try a couple if you must so you can see for yourself.

The Purple Queens are a deep water fish and don't like intense light. That's a problem when you try and keep them in a reef tank.
mike89t said:
The Purple Queens are a deep water fish and don't like intense light. That's a problem when you try and keep them in a reef tank.

It has to be much more than just the lights. There are a ton of other fish tha do come from much deeper waters (colder/less light) that adapt well to aquariums that are brightly lit. Mystery wrasse and other wrasses come to mind. I certainly don't have the answer either.

I have a pink spotted and a yellow head that moves a lot of the sand.


It is not the light the school of them that you see above was in around 30ft of water I was not very deep and everywhere I ran into them was under 50ft and they are everywhere in the marshall's, I think the only way to make it work is a school of 15 or more like you see in the ocean and lots of cyclopeze 4 or 5 times a day until they acclimate and accept other foods but keeping them in my main system with sps corals is not going to work I cannot feed them enough in there, but I am trying some others and we will see, I have seen a lot of other large systems that seem to have good luck with different anthias. I also have some watanbie's angels and a crosshatch Trigger I am working on so hopefully they make it through the six weeks and then I will put them in the main system.
I agree that lighting isn't the only issue. Feeding them is another major hurdle. These guys are constantly feeding throughout the day and that is hard to replicate in our systems. I agree that feeding marine plankton 4-5 times a day would be the best course of action.

Crosshatch Trigger is one of my Favorite fish. I'm so Jealous!
Wow Man that is a great setup and i thought it was a big deal going from 29g to 120 g

someday i may see a tank this big.... but not in this house I want it and i ready to buy a large house for it

thanks for all the pics...