10gallons Lets See Them!!!

i had a blenny in a 50 gallon filled with hair algae, him and an emerald crab cleaned it up in a week. they he get real skinny so i gave him to someone who could use him. they are great algae eaters... too bad they dont eat anything else. they have the coolest personality too.

im glad to hear hes got somewhere to go when his job is done...
heres the update on my tank as it looks today

if you wanna see more pics you can check out my thread on sdreefs.com
heres the link:
I have a LMB in a 150 and he is fat and sassy, 6" long. There's no algae in the tank, though he may keep it eaten down. He does kiss the glass to rid it of micro but he eats mysis, blender mush and flake food like a hog too.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7151480#post7151480 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dmiles11
Can anyone show we the auto top offs that you may have?

i use a super sized cup and keep the water line as close to a line on my sump. stays regular and i do this 2x week.
Here are some updated shots of the tank. Still having some problems with the hammer coral. I also have a question about my Skunk Cleaner... If you look closely there are black dots on his back, if anyone knows anything about that any info would be great thanks.








hey everyone imma be starting up a ten gallon tank soon looking for some extra info or advice...

i plan on keeping some polyps,mushrooms,maybe a toadstool leather,candy cane,or brain coral.

what i have rigth now from one of my tanks that i shuting down=a few hermit crabs,a few snails,clear shrimp,bloodfire shrimp,sand sifting star

i also got a
-rio 600 and powersweep 214
-20 pounds of live sand,so im guessing itll be around 2inchs

what im thinking about getting=
Orbit Compact Fluorescent Lunar Lights/20" 80 (2 - 40 watts)1 Lunar Light

AquaFuge External Hang-On Refugium/Small 13-1/4"L x 4-1/2"W x 12"H

Palm Lights/7-7/8" x 3-1/2" x 2-3/8"

Stainless Steel Heater/(50W)

Refugium Mineral Mud

well my question is...>how much live rock do you think i should be aiming for?is there anything else you think i need?or should pass on and not buy or use?the fuge should fit fine and and wont need a brace support right or at least thats what ive heard(ten gallon measures 20"L 10"W 12"H)?that palm light ok for the fuge?should the heater watt be ok?how much of that mud do i put in the fuge?and i dont need a filter with just the fuge and two powerheads?

thanks for your time who ever reads this or replys...!sorry to go off track with all the cool pictures,just seemd like a good place i can get some help.thank you again yall are way to cool
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7165730#post7165730 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mr.bear
hey everyone imma be starting up a ten gallon tank soon looking for some extra info or advice...

i plan on keeping some polyps,mushrooms,maybe a toadstool leather,candy cane,or brain coral.

what i have rigth now from one of my tanks that i shuting down=a few hermit crabs,a few snails,clear shrimp,bloodfire shrimp,sand sifting star

i also got a
-rio 600 and powersweep 214
-20 pounds of live sand,so im guessing itll be around 2inchs

what im thinking about getting=
Orbit Compact Fluorescent Lunar Lights/20" 80 (2 - 40 watts)1 Lunar Light

AquaFuge External Hang-On Refugium/Small 13-1/4"L x 4-1/2"W x 12"H

Palm Lights/7-7/8" x 3-1/2" x 2-3/8"

Stainless Steel Heater/(50W)

Refugium Mineral Mud

well my question is...>how much live rock do you think i should be aiming for?is there anything else you think i need?or should pass on and not buy or use?the fuge should fit fine and and wont need a brace support right or at least thats what ive heard(ten gallon measures 20"L 10"W 12"H)?that palm light ok for the fuge?should the heater watt be ok?how much of that mud do i put in the fuge?and i dont need a filter with just the fuge and two powerheads?

thanks for your time who ever reads this or replys...!sorry to go off track with all the cool pictures,just seemd like a good place i can get some help.thank you again yall are way to cool

All Looks Good. I would not use a Stainless Heater they still can rust in saltwater. Try one of the Titanium Heaters they work very well. and you might want a little more light for your fuge.
My 10 gallon. The carnation and sun coral are my newest additions.
I accidently caught the hammer in the siphon when I was doing a water change yesterday. :( It looks like it only affected part of it.....does any one know if it will grow back???

Ditto on bandit, especially on the light, the palms are just too small. I've got a galaxy on a pico and not sure it's enough
Here's an update on mine:

Unfortunately when I took this photo, not everyone were looking their best. This was only 15min after a water change, and the pumps were off for close to an hour.
