10gallons Lets See Them!!!

sorry no FTS ... but here are some pictures, before I tore it down and stocked my 180 with it...






yeah... they have shortened quite a bit now that they are under my halides... all that had was the 110W coralife PC.... the monti cap is alot larger now too... and much more colorful.
thanks... they are even more vibrant in my 180, but the rock the majority of them was growing on has fallen to the back of my rockstack.!!! I can see them through the rocks growing away in the back... I guess as long as they are happy I am too.... but I do wish I had the larger rock in front... I have about 4 in front right now.
side pics

side pics

Cutiewitbooty I will try to get pics of the side
Thanks every one I got bored one day and my wife came up with the idea so I built it. I just took more pics today I will post them once I get them uploaded to the computer
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7124087#post7124087 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by snslarison
Heres my 10gal


Thats a faily large clam for a 10. :smokin:

Are you going to move it to a larger system?
Its not that big... about 2.5 or 3". I havent really thought about moving him. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7123956#post7123956 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by XxMutedYouthxX
heres my 10g about a month or so ago ill post pics of it now after i get home from school
Thats a sweet looking tank.. what kind of substrate is that?