120 gallon total setup port st lucie florida


New member
Ok, here it is the one you are waiting for. The holidays are coming and you need a gift for yourself or a loved one. Oceanic 120 gallon glass tank with mega overflows, custom stand and canopy, 2 250 watt metal halides and actinic lighting, sump, all pumps, aqua medic chiller, ro/di, protein skimmer, phosban reactor, fish, snails, shrimp, about 120 pounds of live rock with some corals. Most corals have alreacy been sold, 120 pounds of live sand, magnavore glass cleaner (sells for 175), and too much else to list. I want this gone! So you will benefit, new and final sale price of 1400 for all of this. The live rock alone cost me
$8.00 a pound. email for pictures moggyhill@snappydsl.net
I don't have the money or the space, but if you're piecing out anything I'd be interested in the clean-up crew and nano sized corals. I know, you probably don't want to piece out, but I figured I'd ask since I was right around the corner.
(Happy thanksgiving)
I guess I never left. I mean, I kept a tank going...barely. I just haven't entered a LFS, meeting, forum in a REALLY long time. I just recently cleaned the current tank up a bit, but she's ridden with algae and could use a few helpful inhabitants to do some further housecleaning. I don't think I'll be upgrading to much more than the 24g for quite some time. I just don't have the time or money. Eh... :)