130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

So I got an email from Kevin last night...
about this...

10 inches..let's see how qt goes....

That is a beautiful fish. You have my dream tank. If I had a Sohal and it was bothering that, the Sohal would be dinner. ;)
Awesome trigger. I see your point about the balance of the tank. And its not like you can just put a 10" fish in an aclimation box. You could try to put a qt tank next to your DT so the acrlyic touches and that way the other fish will see your new trigger for a while before he joins the group.

I wonder if your sohal is only going after the cortez because he is the least likely to fight back? I have a goldenheart trigger that nips at any fish that gets in his way durring feeding time. He especially liked to do it to the tangs I use to keep with him. The tangs quickly learned to stay clear.

Do you have any plans for agressive wrasses?
My favorites are klunzinger wrasse and newtons wrasses. Both show up on DD every once in a while and are fast and large enough where I don't think your trigs would eat them. The wrasses are cool because they will grab a large piece of food and then smash it into the rocks to break off a more manageable piece to eat.
Hey Ed,
Both my qt are in another room...the trig is now in a 4 x 4 x 30inch tank solo at la and is going thru their qt process...he will prob go into my 125 qt...
I think the sohal chases the Cortez due to the size of the Cortez..she is quite large and much bigger than my Queens...and is perhaps closest in size to the Sohal...
no wrasses...the Outrigger is the last fish...
considering the fish in my tank, it is pretty mellow...but as I mentioned before, I purposely overfeed them...
Hope your fish are doing well..
Didnt you get the cortez as a real small juvie?

man you make me want to go get a big monster size tank so i can stock
whatever fish i want.
Didnt you get the cortez as a real small juvie?

man you make me want to go get a big monster size tank so i can stock
whatever fish i want.

Yeah, I got the Cortez at a tiny 1.00-1.25 inches...and she was a great cleaner from day 1...she actually taught my Brazilian Queen how to clean fish, I watched it happen...
I am overly protective of the Cortez....the Sohal goes if things ever get bad...
Great news!!

I spoke with Kevin about getting the 40 oz size PE Mysis packs for sale at LA...
Will be here next 24-48 hours...


Thanks Kevin...

I am pleased to say that we will be offering the 40 oz. pack of PE Mysis so please check the site in the next 24-48 hours and it should be live!

Thank you.


Kevin Kohen

Director of LiveAquaria

Drs. Foster and Smith
Tank looks great .Love the baby giant .so cute.

He is very cool to watch, although sometimes I can't find him, lol...

I just spoke with Kevin. I am def. going to take him...should get around mid-sept after their quar. process...

Order some more pillars and prime cuts from Marc at Marco Dry Rock to make some new territories and hopefully confuse the Sohal...just hope it doesn't make the Sohal a bigger pita....we shall see...:fun5: