I was just about to ask you for a video.
My fish are doing good. The most aggressive fish in my tank is the smallest fish, the lemonpeel angels. I just started vodka dosing to try and get my nitrates(100+++) down. I'm up to 22mls/day (11ml am + 11mls pm). I dont have any issues, but maybe for sensitive fish like the achilles, a sub 60ppm nitrates would help them thrive long term.
I am looking at your rock and seeing algae growth. I'm wondering why my rock is still looking like they day I placed them in? Is it due to using mostly room fluorescent lighting? I believe you're still using room lights too?
Don't know what you're paying for those 16oz packs...but I buy bulk mysis and plankton...5+ lbs for <$25...from Jehmco (dot) comsweet pics ted,
now i see why you said you go thru a 16oz pack of PE mysis in 3 days.
Awesome pics! I love that first one with the large cloud of PE mysis just floating there.
That clam feeding will be insane, can't wait to see pics/vid of that. Who is the boss of the tank right now?
Don't know what you're paying for those 16oz packs...but I buy bulk mysis and plankton...5+ lbs for <$25...from Jehmco (dot) com
Don't know what you're paying for those 16oz packs...but I buy bulk mysis and plankton...5+ lbs for <$25...from Jehmco (dot) com
Yeah I've seen the thread on MR.COM.
I buy 40oz PE mysis packs for $40 from my LFS. Not great, but much more liveable than 16oz/$27.
You do dry food? pellets, nori, etc?
awesome specimum. Better luck this time