130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

here is what I have been waiting for...
will be in qt for 6-8 weeks...
gonna pull out a few trigs and my 12 inch Sohal...

Interruptus angel.... Been around for a while. U can get tank bred ones now.

Yes an interruptus...almost impossible to get outside of Asia...you cannot get tank bred ones...Frank and rct bred them in 02 and they were an industry first...I am unaware on any tank bred since then....
Yes an interruptus...almost impossible to get outside of Asia...you cannot get tank bred ones...Frank and rct bred them in 02 and they were an industry first...I am unaware on any tank bred since then...

im not gonna argue with u
exactly...Peter if you know of any tank bred...please let me know....heck if anyone in here knows of any place outside of Asia that gets them frequently let us know...Kevin and dd has offered 2, that Wayne purchased, in about the last 5 years....give or take...