130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

I love it when this hobby turns two grown men into 12 year old school girls gossiping over a boy they both like ;)
We have an understanding, she and I- I've explained that the ocean is limited by the federal government to only charge 20 per fish.

Also, she is never allowed on here.
can't let her in here... then she will know that not all fish cost $20.00...

My wife too
You guys are definately a bunch of 12 year old fish nerds.
Look what this has digressed to. From spending a tad more then 20-something dollars for a peppermint angel to this"¦You guys crack me up.:spin2::spin1:

I bet the mystery fish is a chromis!!
they are very beautiful and very, very rare...
here is a couple...male with the mask and orange...

in oct 2011 a 3 inch female made it to my lfs hof and was sold for a crazy sum over the phone and before the fish was even in the state...it died less than a year later due to a power outage, I think was the cause...
We all know you love your pairs of angels, maybe this should be your next pair.

That owner must still be in mourning over the loss, I just looked up pictures of this fish and juveniles are even more beautiful then the adults.