130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

Wow!! It looks like it is starting to form the body/color of juv. blue lines. So awesome. Any idea if these are in bulk like the P. Annularis?

Wen said these fish are very tough to raise...It would be great to see these hit the market one day..
Definitely getting that baby Chaetodontoplus color scheme. Very very cool... thanks for being able to share them with us!

they are just doing incredible things....absolutely incredible time for the hobby with all these fish being bred....:beer:
no changes in the dt livestock list since the qt fish were introduced to the dt in mid-aug...
cortez, 2 clarion, 3 bandits, 2 interrupta, 2 crosshatch, 2 joc, venustus, juvi goldflake, juvi regal...
I did part with a joc and flameback pair that I sent to Paka for her breeding project...
...and hope to add something interesting soon...
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