Well, its amazing I havent lost everything.
In the past couple months I have still been fighting a losing battle with dinoflagellates. Ive found that siphoning them out during water changes and keeping ROX carbon changed out every month prevents toxicity in my system. They still come back, and rather quickly. My next purchase from BRS will include a bottle of Dino X. I will dose that for as long as it takes, and pair it with a couple other potential remedies to hopefully rid them permanently and not crash my system in the process.
There have been two other major issues encountered. The first was that I recieved two new Hannah checker ALK reagents, only to discover that my old one had been way off. dKh was actually around 13 and not 8.5. I verified this with second tests at my LFS.
About a week later I discovered the pump for my Ca reactor was leaking, and pretty substantially. Following fixing the leak I had an "aha" moment and realized my SG had probably dropped since all the leaked water had been replaced with ATO freshwater. Well my refractometer (Milwalkee digital) said differently and reported 1.027.

I pulled out the handy 1.026 calibration fluid... bam 1.032... Then tested my backup bottle of calibration fluid... 1.032 again. Then I tested RO/DI water... 1.006. Uhoh :uhoh2: So I recalibrated the refractometer and discovered the SG of my tank was actualy 1.021.
Miraculously, low salinity + extremely high ALK + relatively low nutrients + dinoflagellates = STN and color loss of many of my SPS. Surprisingly a few pieces showed little to no change.
Anyways, not to be too long winded. All has since been corrected, hopefully it will stay that way.
Here are a few macro shots that I've taken recently under various lighting phases....