Edward: Thanks, and I hope they will love me as much as I love them. LOL.
Ryan: Thanks for the compliment, and thanks for the welcome to the GEO club. Not sure if I PM'ed you in the past, but I asked a lot of GEO owners how they liked their reactors, and all but one member liked em.
I really wanted the Schuran JS1, but hesitated due to the need for a peri-pump to get consistant effluant rates. I think JS2 owners could get away with a regular feed pump, but I don't have the room for an extra pump under my stand.
Dudester: Thanks, too. I didn't have magnets before. My panels are way too heavy for magnets. They would just "slide down", so they were hung on some brackets. See the 3 silver-colored brackets on my stand?
So, I had to lift and remove 4 panels everytime I wanted to check on things. I originally thought I'd look once or twice a day, but as we all do, we probably look once or twice each hour!
Regarding the hydraulic pumps, they're not true, fully automated pumps. I should have described them differently. These pumps allow me to open the panel slightly, at which the pump will open the panel for me the rest of the way up, with a nice, slow, cushioned ascent! Gives me the effect I want w/o having to spend the $$$ on a true hydraulic.