2 part dosing intervals


Active member
I just set up a dosing pump, and before last night I was just putting in 290 mls of each solution in the morning, a few minutes a part from each other. Now I have it set to dose 12 mls every hour for 24 hours. Alk first and then Ca ten minutes later.

Is this appropriate or should I do less intervals with more mls/dose? I never had an issue with my corals doing it the old school manual way, but 12 mls/hour seems low to me.

My tank volume is about 240 gallons total.

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I honestly don't think it matters. I was dosing hourly. I'm experimenting with alk just during the day because that's when it's consumed but can't really say I notice any difference.
I think once your demand gets to the point that it drops 2dkh in 24 hours, dosing once a day would not be advantageous. However, if your tank only drops .5 dkh then why the heck not. Just my opinion.
I was dosing Alk, Ca and Kalk every hour at 20 min. intervals 24/7 using dosing pumps. Before that I was dosing both the Ca and Alk manually with the kalk in my ATO. I preferred the dosing pumps/timetable.