2 x 6105's & 7095


New member
Hi i have the above in my 3ft cube but cant seem to get the right flow. My system is an established sps setup. The units are on the back wall top left & right pointing towards the middle front glass. The problm is if i turn them up it just kickes sand all over the place but if i turn them down i get loads of corals with no movement. Im still new to these units so what mode do you think will be best.

Ps these have replaced my 2 x mp40's and im very happy with the units and how quiet they are.

Try putting them on the side glass near back wall pointing at the opposite front corner. This way you maximize distance they flow and let them intersect to cause some chaotic current. Also I would use the low voltage jumpers as I think the high voltage would be too much in that short of a tank even in said setup.
That is a pretty short tank to use 6105s at full. I would suggesting swapping the pump covers with the 6205 covers, part number 6205.130 on tunze.com, or any dealer can order them. I use them in my 4' 120 for the same sand reason, and the flow is comparable to the width and gentelnessnof the correct and sand is blown around alot less.
No mods whatsoever are required to use them, they were about $40 when I past bought them.
Thanks for your replies i have changed the jumper to 12v and that has made a big difference to the random flow through the tank. My mate has just done the same with changing his cage to the 6205 & his tank is 5ft long & the flow he gets is great so might look at changing them.