20+ year old tangs

I have a sailfin tang that is about 20 years old as well. One of my first 2 saltwater fish, a black clown is about 23 years old and still spawns every 2 weeks or so. Sadly her original partner jumped over a light fixture to her demise a few years back.
Thank you both! Fish can be aged by the rings on thier ear bones similar to aging trees by their rings. How often a ring is deposited varies from species to species. Tang species have average maximums of 35 - 40 years. I've had dwarf angels outlive their counterparts, about 10 years, so hopefully these guys/girls will be around a while longer. :) Clowns have a max recorded wild expectancy of 28 years so it's good to hear yours are still going strong.
Nice Job. My yellow tang is 18 years old. My Cream angel is over 20 years old. The Yellow started in a 55 gal and the Cream Angel in a 23 gallon. There was not much information online back then (computers were very slow). The cream angel was purchased as a Signapore Angel and listed as a Dwarf species. 20 plus years later it has only grown to about 3".

If I put those in those size tanks now I would be banned from this site.
Thank you both! Fish can be aged by the rings on thier ear bones similar to aging trees by their rings. How often a ring is deposited varies from species to species. Tang species have average maximums of 35 - 40 years. I've had dwarf angels outlive their counterparts, about 10 years, so hopefully these guys/girls will be around a while longer. :) Clowns have a max recorded wild expectancy of 28 years so it's good to hear yours are still going strong.
Very interesting. My tang was first in a 30 gallon for just a few month, then a 240 for 18 years, and the last 2.5 years in a 300 gallon. The clown was in my first saltwater reef tank, a 20 gallon hex for a few years, before joining the sailfin tang in the 240 and then my 300.
Here's a current video of Elvis, the Sailfin Tang. I'm guessing he's pushing 30 now. The Blonde Naso in the video was purchased in 2004 and rehomed last year when his owners moved out of state, it was about 6" long and without streamers. The Yellow Tang was lost a few years ago when a family member visiting decided to do a favor and turn off the AC when they all went for a day trip and the tank overheated. :( The Purple Tang is doing well, I'll get a video and post it soon.

Sadly I've lost a Coral Beauty last month I first acquired in 2007. No obvious signs of aging or other problem. :(
Sadly I have to report the loss of the Sailfin Tang in the recent freeze. :sad2: It was quite devestating as he/she was very interactive with people and would follow people back and forth.
Ohh that sucks. I recently lost a 12 year old female clown (mated and breeding). Jumped out of the tank whilst I was doing a WC, and I didn’t notice until I found her under the couch two hours later.
Sorry to hear your loss robs.mark! It's sad and frustrating to have fish that have done well for years to die. :sad2:
In the last month I lost 24 fish to something including the very first saltwater fish I ever had. 3vof the fish were well over 20 years old. My tank is depressing with just 6 fish left.
Was just reading through the posts and realized I hadn't posted the Sailfin's death. Sadly it was lost along with the Blond Naso in the freeze February last year. 😢