2014 BoD Nominations


New member
2014 Elections

It is that time of year again, time to think about who you want to run the club next year. These are volunteer positions and their duties are:
1: Attend all regular monthly and special membership meetings of CTARS
2: Preside at the regular monthly membership meetings of CTARS and at other special meetings of CTARS
3: Call the board of Directors together and presides at the meeting
4: Appoint the chair of all standing committees subject to the approval of the Board of Directors
5: Appoint all special committees.
6: Be ex-officio member of all committees.
7: Call special meetings when necessary

Vice President:
1: Attend all regular monthly and special membership meetings of CTARS
2: Perform the duties of the president during any absence of the president and be ex-officio member of all committees.
3; Become President should the President Leave CTARS
4: The vice president shall have the power to appoint no more than two (2) CTARS members, which are in good standing, to assist with the membership
application process. President shall announce to the Board of Directors those two regular Members of CTARS he/she wishes to assist in the membership application process prior to the next regular meeting

1: Is custodian of all funds and securities of CTARS and as such takes adequate precautions To safeguard them
2: Keeps a regular book of accounts of the funds and securities
3: Dispense money for the payment of bills and current expenses of CTARS as Authorized by the board of directors and keep the same as part of the treasurer's records.
4: Report upon all the financial transactions of CTARS when called upon to do so either at the regular monthly membership meetings, or at anytime requested by the current board of directors
5: Makes the book of accounts available for inspection by any audit, committee appointed By the president, makes the book of accounts of CTARS available for inspection by any member Of CTARS at the regularly monthly meetings
6: Receives all dues, raffle monies, auction monies or any other funds that are collected during The regular monthly meeting, or any event that is in which CTARS may be participating in as Directed by the President or the Board of Directors.
7: Prepares all regulatory and tax filings as required under federal and state statues

Secretary :
1: Attend all regular monthly and special membership meetings of CTARS and to record the date, time and place of all proceedings
2: Be the Custodian of all documents of CTARS, other than those pertaining to the other officers of CTARS
3: Countersign as secretary of CTARS all instruments, papers, and documents when asked to do so by the board of directors
4: Keep all minutes available for the inspection of the board of directors at any of their regular business meetings and likewise avail for the inspection of the members of CTARS at every regular monthly membership meeting
5: submit a copy of the minutes of each meeting to the Public Relations officer, These minutes will be made available be to all members, upon approval by the officers and directors of the club.

Due to a shift in workload in recent months, Kyle has decided not to continue on as President. With that, the Board is nominating the following people:
President "“ Eric Belske (IcyCoral). Eric is currently the VP of the club and 100% reef keeper all the way. This year his job as VP was centered mostly around memberships but he also played a very key role in organizing many of the meetings, speakers for those meetings, and raffle prizes. This year he will be running for president because he is dedicated to leading the club with a strong organization of the BoD, an attitude of more is better, and together we can do mentality. This year we can look forward to fun activities, meetings with interesting topics, better raffles, and much more for members to participate in.

Eric is coming up on his fourth year of membership and fifth year in reef keeping. He is active on the boards and in the reef keeping community.

Vice President "“ Mike Thompson (BfishLpond78). Mike is currently the PR guru. He is passionate about making the club into something special, he has worked with all the stores in his immediate area to try and establish a good working relationship between the shop and the members to provide a great experience. He has worked with multiple vendors to get discounts and items for the club raffles. He also organized the club trip to the Norwalk Aquarium. Mike is also a frequent poster on the boards trying invoke discussion and get club members to share their experiences and most of all post pictures of their tanks. He has been a club member for over 2 years.

Treasurer "“ Jeff Myjak (Hans1976). Jeff has served as the Treasurer for Marine Aquarium Societies of America MASNA for 3 years. He is also served as the President of CTARS and is currently the Treasurer. He is a Financial Analyst at UTC and is focused on doing the right thing with the club finances (his signature has to go on to the tax return).

Secretary "“ David Sweet (sweet_cutlass). Dave has been an active CTARS member for about 3 years now, and is currently the secretary of our club. If given the chance he will take the position again this year. He has many good ideas going forward and work very well with the bod we have in place and am sure the same will happen if elected into the upcoming BoD

These are the Boards recommended officers for 2014, but they are by no means the officers. Any member in Good Standing can have their name add to the slate, you will need to have someone second your nomination.

Nominations will close on Saturday, October 26,2013 at the end of the day. Then starting on November 3rd and running through Friday, November 15th, members will have the ability log into the CTARS website and cast their ballot. People have asked, why do it on-line? CTARS has some long time members that do not attend meetings, yet they renew their dues each year to help support the club. On-line voting gives every the opportunity to vote. Members are encouraged to go in ahead of time to be sure they are able to log into the CTAS website. If you have any issues logging on, contact Greg immediately. Then at the November meeting, the new Board will be announced.

Happy Reefing !!!!!!
I would like to nominate Chris (Chriskid) for Club President.

I would like to nominate Collin (Collinrb) for Club Vice President.

I would like to nominate Emery (Emessier) for Club Secretary.
I will nominate my self as the dude who's gonna bring a pizza whenever the bod has been chosen lmao!!! Good luck guys
Great to see others wanting to be involved. You should check with the person you are nominating to be sure they are willing to do the job before nominating them.

Once they accept, there will have to be a 2nd to get them on the ballot.
I would like to nominate Chris (Chriskid) for Club President.

I would like to nominate Collin (Collinrb) for Club Vice President.

I would like to nominate Emery (Emessier) for Club Secretary.

thank you PLreef, i do accept

My nominations :

Icycoral( Eric ) - president

Chriskid - Vice President

Collin - secretary

Hans - treasurer

this i will have to decline, thank you very much for your nomination Unclepain :)
I'd also like to nominate Franky ( frankyrivera) as the official in charge of club moral and good ju-ju. Ain't no one around here better at it then him.
Lmao good ju-ju I accept as long as I'm here we shall smile laugh and have fun. Oh yeah and eat pizza too
