Well, now that my computer is over its disease I can finally put together a little campaigning for you guys.
I'm running for VP this year because I felt a lack of action this year. I have only been a member for a short while, but in that time, I have gotten to know many of you personally. My main spot to meet new members when I was also new was the meetings.
I plan to bring back a LOT more order to how the meetings are run. I think we should still have a member's only raffle. There is not a lot of benefit to actually buying in to be a member currently. You can join RC tomorrow, see the meeting, and then come and win the big prize. While that may be good for that one person, the club does not benefit much from it. I'd also like to bring back nametags. It was suggested in this month's thread, and I agree that this should be happening at every CTARS get-together (within reason)
I always have activities brewing around in my head, and I don't want to really go spilling the beans. If you'd really like to know, feel free to ask me in person. But take my frag swap as a hint of what I'm kicking around up there.
If voted VP, I will really focus on the members of the club working together. If we want to move a meeting, great. But just asking to move a meeting isn't really enough to work with. I think if approached with a possible location, the idea can be taken much more seriously. I've also been thinking about the possibility of having two "mini-meetings" in different locations, if the topic has gained enough interest.
The website needs to be changed. 100% no questions asked. I think we should use RC to entice newer members to join in the club and conversation, but the website should be the real place to get CTARS information. Updated site discounts, updated tank profiles, and a complete layout change. Having to bypass a flash intro to access the website is a real pain for a lot of mobile users. I can personally update the site, if we have no other options.
The Lutz tank, is how we represent our club to the rest of the world, and last time I remember, there was ONE person working on the tank. I think a Lutz tank update at the meetings would be a good idea. A monthly report of what's in there, what's changed, and if there's anything needed.
But this all comes down to the fact that if elected, I will do my best to keep the BOD working as a team. I can promise you 1,000 things, but none of it will come to life without the cooperation of the entire BOD. I will not let a BOD, with me in it, be stagnant.
I really enjoy being part of this club, and whether elected or not, my activity in the club will not change. However, I do think that I have what it takes to be Vice President of CTARS. If you have any questions I haven't answered here, please feel free to PM me. I know for a fact, I'm no good at campaigning.