20lbs of Marshall


New member
Not sure if this is where I post this. I'm SOOO excited. Yesterday (too late to ship) I ordered 20 lbs of uncured Marshall Island for my 29aga from PA. I've read so many wonderful things abot PA and this type of rock. Can't tell y'all how excited I am. Will post pics and share with everyone when it's in my tank. I must have read the reviews on this rock 100 times on their site.
Oh my gosh !!!!!!!

I can't tell you how worried I've been about ordering live rock online (it's the 47 year old mom syndrome';-))

Well my uncured Marshall Island live rock came today from Premium Aquatics. It is FAR over and above anything I could have even imagined. This rock is just totally AWESOME. I cannot begin to tell you guys how nice this rock is. I ordered 20lbs for overnight delivery. I realise after getting it in my 29AGA tank that I need about 10 more to get the rock look I want but every piece I have now is simply stunning. I strongly urge anyone out there even slightly hesitant about ordering this rock to let your worries go. PA are THE BEST and I won't hesitate to order from them again. AWESOME ROCK guys..THANK YOU. The shape is just perfect for adding corals. I'll be ordering another 10 as soon as I can.
Thank you PA
...no, thank YOU for the rock :) I have a B'day coming up in a few weeks so I'm dropping heavy hints to hubby for an extra 15lbs.
Thanks Jeremy and PA