210 Mixed Reef

I've found the double union ball valves turn much easier then the ball valves by them selves. Where did you pick up the gate valve from?
I have a double union 2" that is hard to turn. My single union 1.5" is much easier. I got the gate valve from amazon. It's not a spears, but it should do.
I finally made up my mind on how to build my LED fixture. I am going to build 3 independent units that will run off one power supply. Each fixture will be 18x19.75. Planning to order the aluminum and acrylic this week.


I decided to re-evaluate my return plumbing. I am going to rebuild it to omit the 3/4 hoses and locline returns because I feel it is restricting the flow too much. I am going to go with 1.5" PVC up and over the back. I am debating whether I want to use a smaller 2nd return pump to feed the locline returns or not. Ideally I would like to use the holes for something, just not sure what at this point.
I converted mine last weekend to the single high flow units on my 265. Huge difference in flow, I even installed a valve on top and had to turn it down. Sorry about the two louzy pictures, I just took them with my phone.


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Thanks for the input. I was considering moving to just one nozzle per line since they are going to be converted to a lower power pump.

As for the high flow nozzles, did they fit on the locline okay? I heard they can fit loose since they are not really locline. Just something I read, thus, I ask.
Mine came on the locline hose in the box. I will swing by my lfs tomorrow an get you the brand. The fit was perfect, and they work great. I am also using two mp40's for flow on each side and one mp60 as my wave maker
This weekend I rebuilt my return. Took pics, but they are still on the camera. The dart is now used just for feeding the fuge and the return which is 1.5" up and over the back. Flow is much better. I had a 900gph~ pump feeding the 3/4" locline returns, but it was useless, not much flow at all. Having said that, I decided to remove them and plug the bulkheads. They can be used with a lower power pump later on down the line, or something. Maybe if I sell the tank down the road (big maybe) someone can use them, or if I ever move to an internal pump and not the higher-powered dart. At any rate, I actually like the tank without the locline returns hanging over, it looks cleaner IMO. I tested the new plumbing and all was well, so that means next time I fill it up will be the real deal. Currently finishing the dry rock LC treatment before I can begin cycling.

Also received my two Koralia Magnum 8 powerheads this weekend. I'm thinking at 3250gph each they should provide sufficient flow for the tank.

On a side note, does anyone know how hot the reeflo dart should get? It's not super hot, but almost too warm to keep your hand on for awhile. I don't think it's overheating, but it's just hotter than I expected it to be.
Tagging along - I've been buying stuff for my 210 piecemeal and will be ready to get the tank in 2 months. Very interested to see how the C2C overflow does.

What made you choose a C2C over something like a glass holes?
Nice build.

A note, however. That looks like a Bean Animal overflow setup to me. If it is, you will want to move your gate valve to the end of the pipe where it enters the sump. The way you have it now, it will be impossible to tune and will make noise.
Tagging along - I've been buying stuff for my 210 piecemeal and will be ready to get the tank in 2 months. Very interested to see how the C2C overflow does.

What made you choose a C2C over something like a glass holes?

Bean sums it up best with this excerpt from his site:

Surface Renewal

An extreme example: Take two identical 40' wide ponds that are fed with the same amount of water, one with a 4' wide dam and the other with a 40' wide dam. It follows that for the same flow (lets say 100 gallons per minute) over the dam, that the narrow dam will have a very thick waterfall and the wide dam a very thin sheet of water cascading over it. Now place an oil slick over both ponds! It will take significantly longer for the 4' wide dam to clear the slick fro the pond. Why? Because much of the water flowing over the dam is from below the surface! Now apply this logic to your tank, but instead of an oil slick, understand that the surface of the water attracts organics from the tank. The logical conclusion? For any given flow rate, the wider the overflow, the better your skimmer and/or in sump filtration will work!


Nice build.

A note, however. That looks like a Bean Animal overflow setup to me. If it is, you will want to move your gate valve to the end of the pipe where it enters the sump. The way you have it now, it will be impossible to tune and will make noise.

It is a bean. I have already tested the system. It works wonderfully with the gate valve where it is. Thanks for the recommendation though.
Nice build.

A note, however. That looks like a Bean Animal overflow setup to me. If it is, you will want to move your gate valve to the end of the pipe where it enters the sump. The way you have it now, it will be impossible to tune and will make noise.

Nope. Valve placement is only a concern when the sump is not located in the stand. Let's say in a basement for example. Then the closer the valve is to the sump the better.
Filled the tank this weekend. Finally the real waiting process has begun. Not sure I'm 100% happy with my rock work yet, but at least the tank can begin cycling. I tried to use water weld to build some rock structures but it didn't hold very well. Rock was a little damp, so maybe that is why. I planned to have a pillar on the right, but decided just to stack instead. We'll see how this works. I re-scaped my 29 probably 10 times before it was done cycling so I imagine something similar with this build. Thing will undoubtedly move one I start stocking the tank as well.

My focus will now move to finishing my LED rig and setting up my WC and salt mixing station for easier maintenance. I'll get some pics as soon as the water is cleared up, it was still a little murky yesterday.
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As promised, some eye candy. The water is much clearer now. Excuse the dirty glass, one of my cats didn't realize this was my new toy and not hers.





Thanks guys.

I had a minor set back yesterday as the used reeflo pump (snapper) I bought began leaking. Reeflo has great customer support and responded to emails within 30 minutes saying that the seals probably went and are $25 for a fix. While I intend to get some new seals, I decided to just get a new pump as well. I was a little concerned with how loud and warm my pump was getting so a new pump will give me something to benchmark it against. I plan to get two sets of seals so I can fix the used pump and keep it as a backup, as well as have a spare set of seals for the new pump should that time ever come.

Luckily the tank is only cycling and I have two koralia magnum 8s in there so it's still getting good flow. My new pump should be here today, also a reeflo snapper hybrid.