210 Mixed Reef

Thanks guys.

I had to modify the stand to accommodate a last minute change in plans. I decided to use a 40 breeder for a sump instead of a 55. I didn't realize the 55 being so narrow would produce noise due to the flow rate I was going to use. The real problem was, I didn't design the stand to be able to fit a sump wider than 12". A 40 breeder is 18". I removed the two rear columns and replaced them with a wider column in the middle. This increased the span between columns allowing me to slide in the 40 breeder. I will be painting it and applying polyurethane over the next two days.

The best part was a certain retailer always seems to have $1/gallon when I need it. $40 for a 40 breeder? Okay! The 40 I have on hand is already drilled for a frag tank, so that one was out of the question as a sump.

Coming along nicely. You're making me want to get off my a$$ and finish my build! Are you going to leave the overflow clear, or line it with some acrylic?

Coming along nicely. You're making me want to get off my a$$ and finish my build! Are you going to leave the overflow clear, or line it with some acrylic?

I try to get one thing done everyday so I am always making process. It makes it hard waiting on stuff in the mail though. I've been thinking about the overflow color, as all my acrylic ones are black. I don't really have a lot of room in there to add anything and I don't think there is a paint I can use that can be exposed to the water, and if there is it may wear off. So I think it may just have to stay clear.
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Sump is built. Intake from tank is on left with skimmer. L is the return chamber. Drilled for 2" bulkhead to reeflo dart. Return will have a T to feed fuge on right which will overflow back into the return.

I have pretty much everything to build my LED fixture, although I am not in a hurry as I plan to do that while the tank is cycling. However, I wanted to see how my concept would look and make sure that the 60 degree optics would give me enough spread to cover the tank. I modeled the fixture and spread in Sketchup. The fixture will be 64"x10" and will be trimmed with a black laminate.





Here are closer up models of the fixture. I will be using lamicoid to hide the wiring and then a 3/16" piece of acrylic or glass for a splash guard. I didn't model them, but will be using 1/8" standoffs to space the lamicoid and splash guard away from the heat sink. I am planning to hang this unit. I'm not even 100% sure I'm building it this way, but that's the best part about 3D modeling, you don't have to build it to see it.




Tested out the custom CAT4101 driver boards with a string of LEDs to make sure it worked. Test was a flying success. These things are so bright, there was no point in taking a picture with them on. Just take my word that they worked :) Here is the prototype.

Finally an update.

I plumbed the tank yesterday and gave the system a test run. Went pretty well. Spent a little time adjusting the overflow and need to make one adjustment to accommodate a leak (dang threaded pipe), shorten the sump intake pipes, and get the open channel cap threaded for an air line.

Great news is the stand held up like a champ. I knew it would, but I always get nervous that first time filling the tank.

And of course, more pictures.




In the interim, I have been working on redesigning my LED rig. I found a similar rig as the one I was planning and the light spread didn't work as well as my renderings show. There was too much spot lighting for my likes. Having said that, I have decided to use channel instead of the heatsinks for a mounting surface to help spread the LEDs around. I am working on new renderings, but before I could do that, I wanted to come up with my array configuration. Here it is.

I had trouble getting the bean drains tuned in just right with a ball valve so I decided to swap it out for a gate valve to see if that provided the precision needed to dial in the siphon channel. I have not tested the system since installing the new valve.

I also picked up some LC to soak the BRS dry rock to take care of the phosphates before they become a problem in the DT. I don't have a hanna phosphate checker so I may just have to wing it or try to borrow one.


The lights will work out well. I have Orphek led lights over a 300 gallon sps reef with very good results