210 Mixed Reef

I like the design of the leds. Can you elavorate a little more, like measurements between the channel etc. I'm planning a led set up and I like that aproach.

Sorry, didn't see this post this weekend. I'll have to get more precise measurements, but I think the channel was spaced about 2.5" each. They are even spacings front to back with about 1/2" give on the extreme front and back. If that makes sense. 1/2" space, channel, 2.5" space, channel, and so on until they were all in place and there was 1/2" at the end. The 1/2" on front/back was because I needed space for the wiring. Maybe I'll post some sketchup drawings later with dimensions so everyone has more of a definitive guide as to what I did. I'm really glad I made the whole rig modular as I might end up with a 48x24 tank after this, thus I can still use 2 of the 3 modules on that tank and re-purpose the 3rd.

Good for you! Im impressed your setback didn't kill your enthusiasm. I have heard way too many stories of people having tank disasters and giving it all up. Its good to see someone with a strong heart for the hobby.

Thanks. To be honest, that day I was so distraught I thought about just giving up, but that's not how I roll. I can see how people would make that decision after a disaster of this nature. It's also not so easy for me to just get out of the hobby, I have two 29s, a 40, two 55s, a 125, a 150, a broken 210 and several empties in my garage. And I just tore down a few tanks last month to make space in the fish room. I love fish and tanks and I can't imagine spending my time any other way.
Update! I am planning to order a DSA 105 NEO with stand and overflow. It's rimless and has dimensions of 48x24x21. This tank will have a warranty. I'm going to move the 210 to the garage for the meantime and get it fixed in the near future, where I will end up setting it up in the garage as a FOWLR or FW, undecided at this point. This way if it leaks or break, it all goes down my driveway and not in my house, and there won't be a whole lot to lose. The new tank has a nice footprint and I will still be able to use two of my LED units. Thankfully I built them modular for instances just like this and I can move the third unit over to a frag tank.
DSA 105 NEO is the replacement!

DSA 105 NEO is the replacement!

Just put a down payment on the tank and stand. Tank will be available by tomorrow but the stands are out of stock so I have to wait a week or two.

Wanted to say that I loved this thread especially because I am about to go through the same build myself with a 225. Gonna take it slow and learn from you all.

Too bad that the front panel of the aquarium couldn't just be replaced.
The front panel can be replaced. I am storing the tank until I get the time/money to get it fixed then I'm going to set it up in the garage with some kind of large FW fish.