240g Tank Restoration

Currently having a severe ich outbreak. All tangs are effected and my hippo tang is covered from head to toe.

In my older builds I tried hydrogen peroxide treatment to help kill the ich.

Starting 60ml of hydrogen peroxide when lights go out and before lights go on in the morning.

This is also good because hydrogen peroxide is also suppose to help get rid of cyano bacteria and additional nuisance algae.

Finally started my phyto and pod cultures today. Very excited to start dosing live food and supplementing pods.

Once established plan on starting rotifers too.



More updates to come.
As of about ten minutes ago, we have a UV Sterilizer installed!

Most fish are doing well, but the hippo tang is in trouble. All the tanks have a few spots 2-10, but the hippo tang is 50-100. Have them UV sterilizer running at low flor per recommendation of the manufacturer.

Had a heater malfunction in my premix that I was going to use to do a water change. Came home 50g of water near boiling.

So no water change right now. Ordering a new heater.

Plan is to keep the fish well fed and let the UV run for the next couple days/weeks to lower the ich population to allow for the tangs to get a better immunity to fight them.

Also have multiple cultures setup now. Currently have 2x phyto, tiger, rotifers, tisbee and cyclops pods going.

I stated dosing daily rotifers and phyto at night and seeded the tank with tisbee, tiger and cyclops.

More updates to come over the next couple days/weeks with the ich and cyano/algae situation.



Just read through this whole thread. Amazing progress. It’s nice to see each step of the process play out. I converted my 65 to a 180 at the start of the pandemic back in March and I should have logged my progress and took more pics. I honestly didn’t think of it. Congratulations on your hard work. What’s going on with the ich now? How are the fish doing? Do you have an idea what the cause was? Good luck with everything!
Just read through this whole thread. Amazing progress. It's nice to see each step of the process play out. I converted my 65 to a 180 at the start of the pandemic back in March and I should have logged my progress and took more pics. I honestly didn't think of it. Congratulations on your hard work. What's going on with the ich now? How are the fish doing? Do you have an idea what the cause was? Good luck with everything!

Looks like it might be velvet. Fish are surviving for now. Got the uv running and hoping for the best.

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So quick little update, lost an Anthia to either ich/velvet or bullying. Had some, what looked like, discoloration on its side, so not sure what killed it. I am noticing other fish getting ich/velvet (looking more like velvet as there are many spots/dusting) now instead of just the tangs. Been hydrogen peroxide dosing 60ml every 12 hours, doesn't seem to be doing anything, and running my 40 watt UV on low flow setting. I think the infestation is too big for the UV to keep up. Ordered some PolyLab Medic as a last ditch effort.

Also got mysis shrimp to help keep the fish eating, I noticed a few lost some appetite. Been using garlic to help entice them to eat. Have Selcon rush delivered, hoping to get it early next week. Setting up for a big water change, just to get some fresh water in there (50g), sadly I had water ready and my heater exploded came back to the 50g drum boiling.

Oddly all the coral look great, the hydrogen peroxide seemed to have fixed my algae issues and the cyano in the display went nearly away.

More updates later this week.
Velvet has claimed 2 Anthias, one male and one female. The tangs all seem to recovering great.

Switched my dosing of the peroxide to go directly into the display tank and leave all power heads off (return pumps on) for about 1-2 hours.

The population seems to have greatly reduced since starting this.

I upped my dosage from 60ml every 12 hours to 90ml.

Sadly medic got lost in the mail and waiting for another package.

Selcon comes today which I am hoping will help the remaining anthias going to coat some mysis shrimp in them and hope to get the anthias to eat some.
nice.... yes i'd say Christmas went very well. Any new pictures of the tank?

Currently fighting a serious cyano outbreak. Will post some in a week or so.

Little update.
Cleaned up the sump a little and build. A shelf In the middle to hold the dos, trident and hold the algae scrubber!


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Currently in the process of getting the fish use to the fish trap. In the mean time I have my algae scrubber finally setup so I can lower the phosphates down to an acceptable level.

Shipments for the QT arrive this week and hoping to catch all fish shortly after.

Heading up to LFS this weekend to grab some bacteria to cycle the tank. Have a Fluval 407 canister filter I am putting on the 72 gallon since it's going to be a heavy bio load.


PS I love my messy sump you won't change my mind!
Well the 72g QT tank is setup, going to let it run for a couple days and slowly move fish over as I got them. I know you are normally suppose to do bare bottom, but I have 2 gobies coming into the QT as well (if I can catch the buggers), so added a bag of sand.

Added 2 rocks from my display tank, although not suggested in some forum posts I found, I needed the extra bacteria to support such a heavy fish load.

As of right now, assuming every fish survives the next couple of days, the QT will have 4 tangs (yellow, hippo, powder brown), 2 clown fish, 2 anthias, 2 gobys, lawnmower blenny, sixline wrasse.

Only things remaining in the tank are all inverts including 2x fighting conche, 3x cleaner shrimp and obviously 100s of clean up crew.

Plan is 76 day fallow, will most likely extend that to 90 days just to be extra safe.

I'd be more concerned with the rocks bringing illness into your QT. You've got plenty of surface area already with the sand, filter and pvc. Just test for ammonia every few days and change water as needed.

I don't know your situation fully, so forgive me if I'm mistaken. Macro algae is a great ammonia sponge, so consider adding some to your QT. Oh yeah, there are ammonia neutralizers in a bottle as well.
I'd be more concerned with the rocks bringing illness into your QT. You've got plenty of surface area already with the sand, filter and pvc. Just test for ammonia every few days and change water as needed.

I don't know your situation fully, so forgive me if I'm mistaken. Macro algae is a great ammonia sponge, so consider adding some to your QT. Oh yeah, there are ammonia neutralizers in a bottle as well.

Most ammonia neutralizers turn copper deadly. So can't use them. expecting to do a lot of water changes to happen over the next few months.

As far as illness from the rock, I am doing QT for Ich and velvet so the illness is already there. [emoji23]

Taking every fish out of my display to out into QT. If the fish have it the rock prolly does too.

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I had a feeling I'd missed something. Best of luck.

Another thought: Would it be easier to remove the inverts and treat the fish in the display?
Hypo salinity works great for ICK, but I don't think it works for velvet. It also has the advantage of lowering the 'work' of osmoregulation, saving the fish energy to fight disease. Are you sure they have velvet? Usually that kills very quickly.
Oh man. That looks bad. Found this on google: "How do you treat velvet in saltwater fish?
Treatment options – Chloroquine phosphate is the treatment of choice for velvet, but copper also works if symptoms are caught early on. These also work on ich, so if in doubt treating with CP or copper will have you covered both ways."

Could you treat with Chloroquine phosphate in the display?
Unless you have Chloroquine phosphate on hand now, I'd stick with your plan. Catching fish is so stressful, I was hoping to help you avoid that.