Time for an update!
I had a few things going on that had me change my plans a bit which included giving up my current fish room and the plans to re-do it. The reason is really because of the renovation project I mentioned in my first post which involves redoing the downstairs master, and adding a closet (cause that was my fish room

) for my mom, who is moving in with us. I am really glad I have the opportunity to have my mom here and have her spend time with us, especially the grand-kids. I grew up with my grandmother so its almost a requirement to me.
But the funny thing is, no matter how I worked the angles, I could not fit a new closet into that bathroom. I tried, then I tried again. and again... like any addict would!

So I had to make the choice to give up the fish room and rework the design a bit to fit the equipment under the tank. Heck, its for Mom, so its worth it, right!?
Luckily I had not purchased anything that was depending on that design, so progress continues. I will post a new 3D room model shortly, I'm almost done with it.
For now, progress, while slow, is being made. I cleaned up the spare tanks, drilled them and figured out where I could set them up in the house. Kuddos to my wife for allowing me to put 3 tanks in the living room!! :inlove:
Need to get the plumbing and lights going next. My goal is to get this setup wet, tested and ready by the weekend then break down the tank the following weekend, if the nitrogen cycle gods will permit it. Hopefully the ceramic media will work as planned.
Also got my rock this week so I can start curing. I went with the Walt Smith 2.1 dry rock and this stuff is just awesome so far. Look wise its beautiful, great shapes and its really light-weight too! Picked up 165lbs (75kg) which should be enough since I am a bit of a minimalist when it comes to rock-scapes.