cleaner wrasse and shrimp do not remove ich. Only the treatments below work. Of them the 3 most common are Hypo, Copper and Transfer(much less used than the other 2). Everything else is just remove the visible symptoms, not actually removing ich. Any stress will induce an outbreak.
This is a good read.
"Know effective treatments are listed below. It is recommended that unless there is some exceptional circumstances requiring some other treatment, one of the following should be used to treat fish that have an Cryptocaryon infection.
Hyposalinity - reduce salinity to 12-14 ppt (equivalent to an specific gravity of 1.009) for at least 4 weeks.
Chloroquine diphosphate or Quinine hydrochloride - non-toxic to most fish and bacteria, but highly toxic to algae and some invertebrates (anemones, corals etc.). Dosage rate is 10 milligrams per litre[1], every 5 days for at least 4 treatments. Works best in conjunction with hyposalinity (under 14ppt) [1].
Three Day Transfer Method - requires two suitable tanks between which fish are transferred, then tank cleaned, every three days for a total of 12 days.
Hydrogen Peroxide - bactericide and caution should be exercised, with treatment in a quarantine tank, as correct dosages for individual species is still in the development stages.
Copper - copper is toxic to fish as well as invertebrates, and level and duration of addition must be strictly controlled.
Formalin Bath - volatile, irritating and an suspected carcinogen. Has moderate antibacterial properties, is irritating to fish gills so water has to be well aerated (some fish are sensitive to treatment) and has algacide properties." (MASA reefpedia)
Hope this helps.