300 Gallon Miracles Aquarium

Also, if your end up putting the fish in a QT and do the copper treatment, You will want to leave the display without fish for at least 8 weeks. That is the usual length of the life cycle of the parasite.
You may know this already, but never treat the display tank.
For future, you may want to invest in a full-time QT tank. This way you can QT any new fish and catch any diseases without introducing them to your main display.
I don't believe you will truly get rid of the ich without QTing the fish and treating them.
Small update

Small update

I have finally finished my lids for the tank. The temperature is now up by 1.5 F.


I also finished the lids for the sump, this has cut down on the water evaporation amount.


The splashing noise from the filter socks is as good as gone now with the lids in place.


I also finally finished my LED Lighting project by installing the cooling fans.


I have them on for 5 minutes every 1/2 hour on slow speed, can't hear them at all.

By covering the tank and sump won't you restrict gas exchange? Also, it seems to me the condensation on the covers will reduce light penetration into the tank. Are these not considerations?


Gas exchange? I don't know.
Condensation and 1/2" plexiglass reducing light penetration? That I do know and have tested with my par meter.
0 change!
I was surprised at that, I would have expected some loss but no I have the same reading with or without the plexi+condensation.

that is so sweet.

with the goldrim, id be trying to capture him, RO bath him for 5 minutes to get alot of them to drop off then copper treating.
the camera is so fun :D
does your skimmer act up with a clean filter bag vs not so clean? btw, awesome build!
Yes at first the Camera is cool but then it becomes a tool/a necessity. If I ever need to know what is going on with the tank I can, right from my I Phone anywhere in the world.

rnscross I will try tomorrow again to catch my little sicko, he is just so quick!

The filter socks I would say have no effect on the skimmer other than keep it cleaner (no small debris).

Speaking of filter socks, it's probably obvious to most of you but for the newbie's there is a reason the filter socks are installed a certain way.


And this is the way it should look when they are not plugged up.


Thank you all for your help.
New Video update

New Video update

<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/RockJKaOmyQ&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/RockJKaOmyQ&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>
Glod Rim Tang

Glod Rim Tang

After many days of trying to catch my Gold rim Tang I finally did and gave him a couple of bath in RO water and now he's looking great.


What should you do incase you need to perform cleaning/maintenance yours skimmer? How do you take it out?


One Bubble King 250 Supermarines.

I had to wait to get the skimmer before I install the sump because the skimmer is too big to fit in after the sum is in. OOPS! Good planning eh?

Everything but the lower half of the skimmer I can be remove from the sump, I can clean the lower half in the sump which I have. There is nothing on the lower halve of the skimmer that should break(knock on wood).

New Fish

New Fish

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EDwtoDmbNEM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
