300g Deep Dimension Tank weight and Monterey stand height


New member
Hello All,
I am seriously considering buying the 300 gallon Deep Dimesnsion tank. I know a number of people on this forum have these tanks. The propsect of moving the tank down the narrow steps in my basement has kept me from pulling the trigger. Plus my basement doorway is only 29 1/2 inches wide (30 inches by pulling off some door molding).

Does anyone know how heavy the tank is (empty), and the exact height of the Monterey style stands? I am trying to determine how I could move the tank down the steps without seriously injuring someone, or cracking the tank. Also, i need to know if getting the stand through the basement door is even a possibility. If anyone can help me out I'd appreciate it. Thanks!:)
stands are 72x36x29
I think the tank is going to be your biggest problem,if you only have 30" you would have to bring it in on its side,you might be able to make a plywood ramp put styro insulation borad on it and slide it down the ramp.
But how wide and long is the staircase?
Thanks Reefs, at least the stand will fit. Getting the tank down the steps will definitley require laying the tank on its back glass panel. The steps are not wide at all, maybe 34-36 inches wide. There is no way I can have anyone on either sie of the tank while it is travelling down the stairs. There are 12 steps to travel down, I'd estimate around 15 feet long give or take.

I was thinking of building some sort of wooden sled and sliding it down the carpet stairs. But how would I go about lowering down the steps in a controlled fashion?
15' isnt that bad of a run when you consider the length of the tank,its basicly less than 3 tank lengths,if you could put 2 2x6's one on each side of the stairs 2 guys in between them and 2 at the top to control the speed of the "sled" you should do ok.I dont think the tank would be more than 550lbs.
But the next question is how much room and what is at the bottom of the stairs?
I thought of doing the same thing. The problem I have is like you stated, a small entry door into the basement and narrow stairs. Plus I have a landing at the bottom of the stairs, a low ceiling and a wall. I can't just carry it straight into the basement. I would have to do quite a bit of maneuvering to get it into the basement. I'm sure it could be done but I don't want to put any unnecessary stress on the tank. I wish I had a walk-in basement!
As far as stress you could build a secondary frame/open crate out of wood strapping or 1x1 to take the hits and scuffs.Wood to wood contact is easier to fix than wood to glass or plastic.
Another thing you can do is build a moc tank out of 2x4's and do a trial run see if its even possable to get it in.
Lowered a 360 with skids on the stairs and a strap around to help in lowering it.

Hey Vinny, what did you use as skids and straps? Looking back is there anything you would have done differently to make your monster tank move less difficult?

I measured the stairs last night. They are 12 feet long and 31 inches wide. I have plenty of room to maneuver the tank once I get it down the stairs.
Tank Move

Tank Move

Not mine but we used wide planks on the stairs, used a strap like they use for truck loads.
Gently lowered while 2 were in the front guiding & helping.
Went without any problems.
If you turn it I would put the strap around the center of the tank between the planks.
Just go slow.:)
Not mine but we used wide planks on the stairs, used a strap like they use for truck loads.
Gently lowered while 2 were in the front guiding & helping.
Went without any problems.
If you turn it I would put the strap around the center of the tank between the planks.
Just go slow.:)

Ok. Thanks. That sounds like a good solution.
I hade a very similar situation. I have an outside staircase 10 feet steep in concrete. The entranceway is 30inch width. I wrapped the tank in plastice using blankets and old pillows for the corners. I made a ramp with 2x10 and plywood. I flipped the tank on its side with the back of the tank resting on the ramp. Then slid the tank down the ramp . Just take your time. It worked like a charm. The tank weighs 545lbs and the stand 225lbs.

Good luck
Thanks for the info spstoner. At least i know what i am dealing with now The tank is lighter than I thought. Still going to be a pita to move. I did think about renting or borrowing the suction cups. Gotta see if I can find them. Do you have any tips on safely moving this behemoth down a flight of steps?
SPStoner, I am SERIOUSLY considering purchasing the 72x36x29 stand. Do you have the engineering schematics. My main concern is how how LONG and WIDE of an sump can I fit underneath?
Thanks for the info spstoner. At least i know what i am dealing with now The tank is lighter than I thought. Still going to be a pita to move. I did think about renting or borrowing the suction cups. Gotta see if I can find them. Do you have any tips on safely moving this behemoth down a flight of steps?

Where in NY are you? I just had a 72x36x28 moved into my basement. The tank was made with 3/4" glass and weighed 650 lbs. I checked with LFS and they gave me the name of the movers they have been using for over 10 yrs. It was worth every penny and they got it down the stairs in about 30 mins with out a scratch or damage. If you are close to NJ, pm and I will give you the name of the movers I used or you check with your lfs.