300g Starphire Room Divider

hey hdtvguy! great looking tank you got man! it looks a real beaut, and i love the lighting, works well......damn clear mate!!

i would also like to see some pics of ur setup of the sump in the basement, im thinking of a fowlr too, and want to know the best kind of filteration.....

keep it up mate!!! :eek1: :strooper:
Thanks, I will try and get some shots of the sump and all the pumps in the basement. I picked up a very large adult queen Angel yesterday. It is one of the nicest Queens I have seen. It is dinner plate size:eek1: I was surprised when I introduced it to the tank that there was no aggression from my French angel. Must be the size difference:D I also bought a very large sponge for my angels to feed on. They have yet to sample any of it:rolleyes: My trigger however did nip at it once but has not bothered it since.

Here is a few pics of the new addition:)




That is a superb specimen. Absolutely Stunning.

I am also planning a DIY tank with low iron glass and will be following this thread (and many others) to see how the starboard and tank matures. Inspirational.
this is looking better and better!!! fish r beauts! dont know if i missed this before, but how come you dont have any substrate in the tank??
I wanted to get the benefits of a BB tank. Running the number of pumps and the total flow in the tank, sand would be a flying. Running a BB with FOWLR will give me a much lower bio-load.
Tank is maturing very nicely :thumbsup: I love the look of that rock.

My lfs just got in a juvenile queen, approx 2 inchs in length. Brilliant colors and eating well. I have read everything I can find on wetwebmedia.com and of course here on rc about them. I really would like to have one and am considering purchasing it. Any books or other resources that you can point me to? I would like to continue my research of them before I go all the way. Thanks in advance.
Knyght said:
Tank is maturing very nicely :thumbsup: I love the look of that rock.

My lfs just got in a juvenile queen, approx 2 inchs in length. Brilliant colors and eating well. I have read everything I can find on wetwebmedia.com and of course here on rc about them. I really would like to have one and am considering purchasing it. Any books or other resources that you can point me to? I would like to continue my research of them before I go all the way. Thanks in advance.

Thanks, best bet would be to do a search here on RC.
Well I added a coral to the tank to see what I can get away with. A yellow leather coral my sponge I added a few weeks ago is doing great in the tank. I thought my angels would have ate it but I'm lucky so far.


I added a leather coral 2 weeks ago. It is doing very well no one was picked at it Added some mushrooms and a frog spawn coral. I thought my angels would have gone for the fleshy frog spawn. To my surprise not even a nip from any of them My 4 cleaner shrimps are doing well. My trigger went right to them for a cleaning as soon as I put them in the tank. I consider myself very lucky with the mix I have in the tank so far. Just goes to show you nothing is text book. Trying to bend the rules as much as possible:)

Here is a few update pics enjoy...



