Thanks Alvin. I've done some preliminary testing with my setup and using a 2" drain pipe and a plumbing setup similar to what you have, It seems to work fine with minimum noise. All of this before I ever saw this thread. 

littlesilvermax said:It looks like your plans are coming along well.I am curious how big your sump will be. It will probably have to hold a lot of extra water with your non-overflowing drains.
NHMarine said:hdtvguy, Tank looks sweet, I love the fish room behind it!!!.....I so want to move all my stuff to the basement, but as it is my electric bill is high enough. do you create a link and name it what you want?
Like you did here... Well after loosing my 240g tank from an accident. More info on what happened can be viewed HERE
alvin said:the one pictured is 3 to 1.5. You can get 4 to 2 also. I'd say go to lowes and build one to get a better idea. I've been known to build whole assemblies (cut pipes included) while in the plumbing section. the guys there know me by name.