336 A.G.E. Peninsula Tank

James- Such a Smart A$$. Wish I had as much free time as you do. This whole Job thing gets in the way.
Once again a few more pics

My new True Perc's- they have a ton of black on them which will just fills in even more. The were labeled as Black True Percs.

What the tank looks like with 500lbs of live rock. Aqua scape is still not done.

What the BM-300 has pulled out of the tank over the last day or so. :) Remember that cup holds 3 gal.
Those LED's look great... we need to make the blue other ones soon too... make some for my tank at same time
very nice setup! i gotta know more info on the bm300.
Is the rubber pump output tube to the body on the outside now?
when the controllers are avalible, do you simply plug your pump
into their outlet? thanks...
very nice setup! i gotta know more info on the bm300.
Is the rubber pump output tube to the body on the outside now?
when the controllers are avalible, do you simply plug your pump
into their outlet? thanks...
Considering I got one of the first units there are no instructions. The tubing inner diameter was the same as the out diameter on the housing so that is how I placed the pumps, I might try the other way but I don't think the turbulence from injecting into the housing a very big deal.

From what I have been told the controllable version will have different pumps altogether. From what I hear they are still in development and it will be a good while till it comes to market. I wouldn't want the 1st gen on that unit either, I am guessing there are going to be some unforeseen problems with the skimmer.
Keep it like you have it Brett! the tubes pop out of my customers skimmers all the time. As a mater of fact, I am going to do what you are doing to all of them. Who needs Instructions?
Yes, skimmer does look awesome... it looks like it took almost no time at all to start skimming. Break in must have been very fast or it is designed very well...how is the turbulence inside the skimmer body? Your tank is new so you probably can't answer this, but how stable is the foam head. I have the MSX 300 which is using 2 sicce pumps and I would describe it as very sensitive, do to turbulence in the body.. the BM 300 has 3 so I am wondering if it is worse or better design... so if you feed does it completely collapse or keep on foaming? The MSX 300 completely shuts down foam when I feed so I am wondering if the ATI is better.
What is the body diameter and height on that puppy?

That 3 gal collection cup is jusy crazy!
bag151 - been lurking on your thread for a while. Liking everything Im seeing for the most part, this is a sweet setup. One comment, since you mentioned you arent done aquascaping, I would ditch about 1/3 of that rock and move it to the sump...IMO there is no room left for the corals...can you call invincible569 and have him lend an eye? I know having a friend who forced me to resist the urge to keep piling rocks helped me out...
He hasn't aquascaped it yet, it is just piled in there.... I think it will look much more apealing and open once it isn't just all stacked down the middle. I'm pretty sure a good amount is going up against the back wall.
cweder- The break-in on this skimmer was extremely fast and it is very well designed. So far the BM-300 has had a very stable foam head. From what info I seen on the MSX it seems like they have a problem with stabilizing the bubble column in the skimmer. IMO the BM skimmers have a much better design as far as the reaction chamber goes, the BM-300 uses a inverted cone to separate the incoming bubbles from the bubbles and water expelling from the reactor so you don't get the turbulence like you do in the MSX. The only bad thing about the skimmer is that its sensitive to water height, since I don't have my auto top off running it hasn't been skimming at its full potential. The other thing is that so much air is pushed through the reactor that foam tends to get sucked into the air exit holes in the top of the skimmer and leaves some skimmate on the top of the lid, not that big of a deal but annoying.

Bax- I can't remember the exact dimensions off the top of my head but if memory serves me correct the body is 14in in diameter and the unit stands 24in tall

mcliffy- the reason there is so much live rock is in there is because I made a large order with Dave to get the last of the Lalo available, I just threw all the boxes in the tank with the intent of aquascaping with what I needed and selling the rest. I actually want a very open aquascape and I am looking to use PVC pipe to support a good part of the structure.
mcliffy- the reason there is so much live rock is in there is because I made a large order with Dave to get the last of the Lalo available, I just threw all the boxes in the tank with the intent of aquascaping with what I needed and selling the rest. I actually want a very open aquascape and I am looking to use PVC pipe to support a good part of the structure. [/B]
