cweder- The break-in on this skimmer was extremely fast and it is very well designed. So far the BM-300 has had a very stable foam head. From what info I seen on the MSX it seems like they have a problem with stabilizing the bubble column in the skimmer. IMO the BM skimmers have a much better design as far as the reaction chamber goes, the BM-300 uses a inverted cone to separate the incoming bubbles from the bubbles and water expelling from the reactor so you don't get the turbulence like you do in the MSX. The only bad thing about the skimmer is that its sensitive to water height, since I don't have my auto top off running it hasn't been skimming at its full potential. The other thing is that so much air is pushed through the reactor that foam tends to get sucked into the air exit holes in the top of the skimmer and leaves some skimmate on the top of the lid, not that big of a deal but annoying.
Bax- I can't remember the exact dimensions off the top of my head but if memory serves me correct the body is 14in in diameter and the unit stands 24in tall
mcliffy- the reason there is so much live rock is in there is because I made a large order with Dave to get the last of the Lalo available, I just threw all the boxes in the tank with the intent of aquascaping with what I needed and selling the rest. I actually want a very open aquascape and I am looking to use PVC pipe to support a good part of the structure.