336 A.G.E. Peninsula Tank

Ok Guys, I promise I will have new pictures for you tonight. The Battery in my D70 was dead last night so it was a little hard to take pictures.

As for the update I have completed an aluminum frame that suspends my metal Halides and I am going to mount my LED's and VHO's to it this weekend. I also have been collecting quotes on having the tank skinned. So far it has been excessive so I am still shopping around. I was going to finish it myself but I have been crazy busy and the commute out to the shop is a good enough excuse as is. I also receved my first load of fish several weeks ago and Dave was over earlier this week to help me aquascape. He made sure to threaten me about not taking pictures so I am working on it.

Stocklist is currently:
1 L blond naso tang
1 L Sohal Tang
1 M Sailfin Tang
1 Dracula Goby
1 Red banded Hi Fin Goby
1 female bimaculatus Anthias- There is a male and a female in Dave's shop due to shipping issues.
2 black true perc's
and a ton of snails

All that is left on my fish list is really just a blue and yellow tang, a goby, and a midas belenny
I will start populating the tank with coral in a few weeks and hopefully have the cabinet and such fully finished by then.


Man I wish I knew you had this thing at your place. I have spent the last month off from school and would have loved to been a fly on the wall when you plumed it.

Last time I talked to you was when I was tring to find a place to put your old tank so I could buy it.

I would love to come by and take a look. Also I may be buying a loft downtown and will have the space for a larger tank. May need some help there.

My RBTA split on me 3 times so if your clowns are looking to host let me know. You are more than welcome to walk over and pick one out.

Looking Good
OK OK so I am a Liar, here are your pictures.

So whats changed? Well Dave and I spent an hour or two rearranging the rock which really makes a big difference, but I am still not happy. Mcliffy you will be sad to know that I didn't pull any rock out of the tank which is the reason why I am not 100% happy. I LOVE how the rock structure on the right turned out, but the structure on the left is eh. to tall for large colonies to grow out so I will pull the giant cave looking rock out and reorganize the rest, should be the perfect amount of rock afterwards.

You will also notice that I have the aluminum canopy frame up and pop riveted as well. I have the PFO HQI mini pendants in there now but I am going to swap them out for lumenbright's. I would swap out for 400w MH ballasts as well but I am going to have to upgrade the circuit before I can manage.

I snapped a few pics off real quick to hold you over for a bit, I didn't clean the glass so it looks a lil fuzy. I will get some more shots of the fish this week with clean glass, the few that I clicked off just don't do them justice.

I am also working on getting the wood skin taken care of. It's driving me nuts. The blue foam is effective but looks kinda tacky.

Brian- they would love a host but I am not putting one in the main tank again, to much of a pain. They can host in a hammer or frogspawn.

Haze- you can sign me up once I get a skin and some coral in there which should be in the near future. I really wanted to go to the west side tour a few weekends ago but I was out of town. I love going over and chatting with Quoc and staring at his tank for an hour or so. I really wanted to chat with Edward in person for a change but I suppose no dice on seeing his tank, its a shame but everyone has responsibilities sometime.





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I wanted to go on the tour too. I'm really ticked because now invincible is tearing down his tank :( So I'll never get to see it. Your tank look awesome. Can't waite to see the finishing touches.

Where did you get the HUGE naso from?
Looks like it is getting there. I do really like the structure you have on the right. A couple ideas if you are wanting to change things up:

1) when you are removing some rock try to create peaks and valleys of different heights. right now, all your structures are the exact same height.
2) try opening up the back (side) wall of the tank

Oh yea, and I wonder why I'm such a fan of the structure on the right...hmmmm :) (not sure if you'd even checked out my build, but great minds might just think alike ;) )

haha cliffy

this build is awesome. I love the aquascape, it looks like you've cleverly slanted all the rocks to look like it naturally fell that way.

funny you guys both have the detached island off to the right, but looks like they both are following the "rule of thirds" or "golden rectangle" proportion scaling so its definitely not a coincidence. I think alot of paths lead to the same places
stdreb- the naso is a large from quality marine, I wasn't expecting such a large fish, he shipped in his own huge box in a 5 gal bag. They even have larger XL fish. The shippiing has really stressed the fish out so I am worried about his health, I wasn't expecting as large of a specimen as well so I am concerned on tank size.

mcliffy- nice looking tank, the real problem is just amount of rock, I need to take this huge piece out of the tank and the slanted rocks really look cool, the bimaculatus hangs out in there.

Could you elaborate a bit on the "rule of thirds" and the "golden rectangle rule". I'm going to be aquascaping soon and I could use the advice.
Well it's time, I am heading out to Quoc's (Fishcraze) to pick up some coral that he fragged for me and then run by Edward's (Invincible569) to whiteness the tank before he tears it down. Most likely I will be bringing all of his coral home as well. I also had a guy come bye and take a look at the tank last night to work up a quote on a cabinet face for me. My previous quote of 4.5k was a bit excessive for my pocketbook right now, I would rather spend that on livestock. More Pic's to come tonight.

How is the ATI bubblemaster skimming with the pumps so shallow in the sump? I have the same skimmer and have been trying different heights for the pumps, can't figure out what they like best, to get the best results? Please let me know
Fitch you need to have a water height of 6 to 7in, any more and there will be to much back pressure on the skimmer. I have mine set at 6.5in, I had to make a stand out of poly to prop up the skimmer. It took me a little while to get the skimmer dialed in, little adjustments will go along way when the gate valve is just about in the right area. It definitely can pull some heavy stuff out of the water.
