336 A.G.E. Peninsula Tank



ITS FINALLY HERE!!! My BM-300 came in this evening. It has been quite an emotional roller coaster the last few days but I am a very happy camper as of the moment.

First with the Bad. Well on Sunday I came up with a excellent idea and I wanted a proof of concept before I shelled out some money. The idea is using large diameter masonry bits to bore through the center of my rock and so to make sure that I wouldn't just fracture the rock in half I got out one of my masonry bits, my drill, and went to town on a small rock. Proof of concept worked, I turned the rock in the hole to sand, ended up with a nice hole, and dropped the rock into the sump. Well I went to the sink to wash the bit off and while doing so I noticed that the chrome coating had be scowered off to reveal something that looks a heck of a lot like copper. After close examination I determined that the majority of the bit was a copper alloy of some sort with a misleading chrome alloy finish. My heart dropped thinking I just potentially introduced very fine copper grains to the tank which are stuck to the sand grains that removed the chrome finish. So to be on the safe side I immediately removed the rock, drained the sump and used a wetvac to remove all the small portion of sand that remained on the bottom of the chamber where the rock was. Not FUN!

Now on to better news, crisis averted and I will run copper sponge just in case for quite some time. After this was taken care of I ventured to home depot to rent a hammer drill. Returning home I went to town boring through some very large rocks in a manner of min. I then stacked the rock on with a 3/4in pvc pipe acting as a central post. This works awesome and I will be renting the hammer drill again in the near future, I have decided to order some more rock. I am getting some Lalo in most likely by the end of the week so next weekend let the drilling commence.

On to the best part, I got my BM-300 in from Reef Geek today and this thing is AMAZING!!! When I was originally looking for a skimmer the BM-250 was the top on my list so when I called up Greg at Reef Geek to ask a few questions about the 250 he filled me in on the 300 and I got my name right there at the top of the list. I have been bugging him for weeks on when the skimmer was going to come in and after being pushed back a few times because they were having custom packages made from foam, the shipment was sent my way. I am so glad that the skimmer was delayed for the packing because when it arrived at my place there was a number of 5in x 1in slashes and dents in the box, it looked almost like the delivery guy tried to put the dolly right through the side of the box 4 times. The packing worked out perfectly. I was very worried about getting this thing to fit in my sump but my sump design worked out perfectly, I set the base on 8x 1.5in pvc pieces to raise the skimmer to the correct height. This is just a temporary fix, I will be making a stand out of the extra poly from my base board under the tank. The collection cup will hold 3.1 gallons of skimmate before needing to be emptied and this thing honestly makes a bubble column so dense and so fine that I can barely tell the difference between one bubble and the next. I have no doubt that this thing will be able to handle my bioload with no problem. :D

As usual click the red house for more pics.







Nice....looking good. With the volume of water don't think the bit of copper alloy will hurt the tank but u'r right, better safe than sorry....

Love your skimmer.... :)
It is going to be a SPS dominated tank with a few select LPS, Clams, and Gorgonians.

Male and Female Hawaiian Naso's
Achilles Tang or Sohal depending on availability- Most likely the Sohal because of the Achilles tendency to one day end up dead out of the blue.
Blue Hippo Tang
School of Anthias
School of Blue Eyed Cardinals
Flame wrasse
Pair of True Percs or Picasso's
and a few goby's and shrimp
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Well James & Dave talked me into ordering some more live rock, 240lbs later I ended up with the last batch of Lalo that will be collected. Dr. Fosters bought the rest of the 1000lbs they had left so if you want Lalo you better jump on it. The rock definitely had a lot of life on it that will take a good while to properly cycle. There were 4 amazing table rocks that came out of the batch that made the whole thing worth while, I plan on using my drilling technique to stager and stack a few of the tables into a awesome structure. Good thing my skimmer can suck a dead body out of the water because there is a lot of death on the rock. After work I am going to grab a brush and go to town.
Uh Huh

Uh Huh

I would say blame me, because I looked at the rock stack he had and said in my head that he needs more. Especially if he is going to drill them the Lalo(Premium Shelf) rock he got will work perfect for that. Its not like I needed to talk you into it Brett...........
As for the skimmers, they will compete with Bubble King and Deltec but are not as finely tuned. Much more affordable though.
I think what mainly sets the BK and the ATI apart are the pumps... it is very hard to compete with the pumps that BK uses those red dragons are awesome and PRICEY!!!
The skimmer is a BM-300, I am guessing you will find it on reef geek in a month or so.

I haven't seen the Bubble King in operation so I can't comment on the comparison, but I can say it blows away anything I have seen in operation out of the water. I would say its in the same ball park, but the Red Dragon pumps definitely the best pump you can buy. But at $700 or more per pump its a bit excessive.

I should have some more pic's this evening and I think I am actually going to start the skin this weekend. :)
Im looking forward to my order with Dave... I cannot wait to finish up and get the BM-250... they package them really well that is what really impresses me... Dave is having some issues with the pumps popping off of the 250 @ his clients house... I am not sure why... he said he is talking to RG about it...
The silicone tubing that connects to the pump to the skimmer is a little over sized or stretches very easy so so they tend to pop off if they are pulled by the cord. I just used zip ties as a clamp and it works perfectly.