336 A.G.E. Peninsula Tank

I'm pretty easy going so I am not taking it to heart, Roger is going to give me a call and apologize which I appreciate. I was more shocked then anything, totally took me off guard. I am just frustrated with them taking there sweet time and getting started on the tank. Its been three weeks of email tag and things are still not 100 percent.
Well things are back on track, We had to modify the tank to be 34in wide so that the stand can fit through the door. Tom is expediting the build which makes me happy, I am patient but I would prefer not to wait another 6 weeks on top of the 4 weeks its been since first contacting Tom.
Hello everyone. Hate to say it but i am kinda of in the same boat as you bag151. I had my lfs order my tank with Tom at AGE before Christmas and still haven't gotten an update from them. We have been both emailing him and trying to call him for about two weeks with no response hope every thing is ok.
Really Acrylic furniture? :) then thats makes everything ok.

I feel your pain, unfortunately this had to turn into a high school drama for work to get done but I have been told that they are putting the tank on the fast track, if I believe that. They are apparently done rebuilding the Dallas store tanks so it doesn't sound like they swamped like they were.

I thought I had it bad, ask Invincible how long it took for them to build his tank :P You are way more patient then I Edward, 4 months for a very expensive glass box is a bit excessive.

lol, sounds like you need to drop in there and say HI remember me and my money? lol
I finally went there today, they have a pretty cool, and not horribly over priced store. To bad they didn't have hardly ANY fish. But maybe they were busy this week or something.
The storefront is awesome. Hands down one of the nicest stores you will ever find aesthetically and their prices arent too bad... the times I have gone there though anything in their acro tanks has some rtn on it, which is a shame cause they look like decent pieces... they usually do lack fish... dont know why
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11749318#post11749318 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jjackson
The storefront is awesome. Hands down one of the nicest stores you will ever find aesthetically and their prices arent too bad... the times I have gone there though anything in their acro tanks has some rtn on it, which is a shame cause they look like decent pieces... they usually do lack fish... dont know why
I will say they had some sunburst anthas that I've always lusted after, and almost bought a whole bunch of them. Then decided not to. And they had a full sided spotted grouper. Why I don't know, I was looking for a H Tusk. And none of those were to be seen anywear. Their tank prices were pretty dang high in my mind. But they were more hoity toity tanks that most you see. And I've never priced that before. I really liked their big fw tank with a BEAUTIFUL MBU puffer in there, I really hope they keep that little guy.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11728362#post11728362 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bag151
Really Acrylic furniture? :) then thats makes everything ok.

I feel your pain, unfortunately this had to turn into a high school drama for work to get done but I have been told that they are putting the tank on the fast track, if I believe that. They are apparently done rebuilding the Dallas store tanks so it doesn't sound like they swamped like they were.

I thought I had it bad, ask Invincible how long it took for them to build his tank :P You are way more patient then I Edward, 4 months for a very expensive glass box is a bit excessive.


Just to clarify, I told them to take their time. I was not in a rush. The most important thing in this hobby is patience. If I want the best, I wait for the best. I waited for my stand, the controller, display tank, the lights, etc. I would rather deal with the wait now, than deal with headaches later when I didnt get what I want. My experience with AE went very well and as expected.
Sorry there Invincible, didn't mean to put words in your mouth.

I agree about patience, if I wasn't patient I wouldn't have waited so long to even start the tank and I would have settled for something that wouldn't make me as happy in the end.

No more drama with AGE so we are moving on.

Since I had to resize the tank to get the stand through the door in one piece the official tank volume is 318g. I am really looking forward to getting the tank in. I have been working with a tape tank mock up to figure out if I really have enough room to do a central valley down the middle of the tank as originally planned. I am leaning towards a single ridge running the length of the tank with spires breaking up the ridge which will make a great shelf for my hyacynthis and other table acros that I am intending on collecting. I am going to reinforce the structure with pvc and acrylic rods.
I like the center ridge... maybe with an island off the end... like a 4 foot ridge 6" space then island or something.... who knows... it all sounds like work.
Well I have good news, I heard from Dave today that the tank will be done in a week and a half so it sounds like I will be picking up the tank next weekend. Now I have to get on the ball and get the sump finished so I can hook that bad boy up when it arrives. I will end up just filling it and running the closed loop until I get my sump finished most likely. I am ordering my new skimmer, chiller, bulkheads, pumps, and ect. this week so they should be here in time to plumb them in shortly after I get the tank. I suppose the only waiting I will have is for the Girl Friend to come into town so I can take the classic caged girlfriend picture. She told me I wasn't allowed to fill it till the picture is taken :( I am still on the rocks about if I am going to build the sump or have someone like Trigger Systems build it for me. I can get 1/2in acrylic sheet for $160 a sheet so its very tempting to do it myself.

On a good note as well I spoke with Rodger from Fish Gallery today and he apologized for our little altercation and we smoothed everything over. I don't hold a grudge and there are no hard feelings there. I really appreciate that he took the time to do that.
Haha, good thing I do as well cause I think I will end up having to use them to get in the tank. She definitely wont be cool with that.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11820652#post11820652 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bag151
Well I have good news, I heard from Dave today that the tank will be done in a week and a half so it sounds like I will be picking up the tank next weekend. Now I have to get on the ball and get the sump finished so I can hook that bad boy up when it arrives. I will end up just filling it and running the closed loop until I get my sump finished most likely. I am ordering my new skimmer, chiller, bulkheads, pumps, and ect. this week so they should be here in time to plumb them in shortly after I get the tank. I suppose the only waiting I will have is for the Girl Friend to come into town so I can take the classic caged girlfriend picture. She told me I wasn't allowed to fill it till the picture is taken :( I am still on the rocks about if I am going to build the sump or have someone like Trigger Systems build it for me. I can get 1/2in acrylic sheet for $160 a sheet so its very tempting to do it myself.

On a good note as well I spoke with Rodger from Fish Gallery today and he apologized for our little altercation and we smoothed everything over. I don't hold a grudge and there are no hard feelings there. I really appreciate that he took the time to do that.
Why didn't I think of that? Oh probably because I bought it when she was out of town, and had it not been set up by the time she got back. I'd have been making the trip back to the fish store.
stdreb27 you are a smart man. Its easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission.
Amen.... you decide on sump so I know what to plan?

I am in next weekend but its kinda the V-day celebration... what are your plans for the weekend after... shes in Dallas so I get the leash taken off....
I am going to see the GF this coming weekend so I am out and hopefully we will be picking up the tank the following weekend so you better leave your calender open that weekend.

The jury is out as of the moment but I will finalize my drawing when I get home tonight and make a decision. I already have the weld-on so thats not a big deal, its just do I want to worry about it. I am going to get a quote from trigger systems and depending on how bad that is I will go from there.

I just did my taxes yesterday and I am in a good mood cause I will be getting a big fat return in 9 days. So after seeing the work ADG does on there skins I might just have them make it, I can't decide yet. I would like to build it myself, but it is a major pain to drive out to my parents to use the shop.