34g solana build.

I thought about a clam of some sort. Both clowns have died due to either ich or brooklynella. I think I am going to completely fishless with just corals and some cool inverts. On a brightside, I just saw an email saying my new QD drivers were shipped so I should have those installed Sunday.
I installed the new QD drivers last night and I feel they made a huge difference, still a little noisy above 80% but I think I need new wetsides. Finally got the GHA to retreat, a mix of turbo snails and phosphate Rx did the trick.
Very clever. That might actually even be a great idea to get a spare net and cut half the handle off. Can't get any easier than that!
It's pretty funny to me actually. And all of the water is literally being forced through the gfo, normally I wouldn't use that much gfo but, there is nothing living in the tank and im trying to get the phosphates from the rock to stop leaching.
Yeah I should have acid bathed the rocks before I put them in the tank but, I'm a bonehead and didnt think about it. It should be solved soon between the gfo, low micron socks and phosphate rx
Glad to see you got the sock in there. Just a thought... You may want to consider drilling a bypass hole above the sock on the wall of the next chamber. This way if for any reason the sock clogs it will have a path to follow inside the tank rather than over the rim and on the floor or even if the tank has enough room at least you want run your pump dry.
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Glad to see you got the sock in there. Just a thought... You may want to consider drilling a bypass hole above the sock on the wall of the next chamber. This way if for any reason the sock clogs it will have a path to follow inside the tank rather than over the rim and on the floor or even if the tank has enough room at least you want run your pump dry.

I was thinking the same thing