34g solana build.

Yeah? I know you have some jugs but do you happen to have any spare buckets I could borrow for water transport. I also wanted to pick your brain a bit. I decided I want to add a removable front panel for the stand. I want it look like a door or maybe drawers of some sort, this way the stand looks like an old beat up dresser.

yes, have buckets to spare as well as the jugs. Brain picking won't take long, as mine are fried :).

The fake drawer thing would look cool. Seems like you could do pretty easy.
What size doors are you looking for. I have several extra laying around that you are welcome to. I may also have some drawer fronts but I don't know how many you would need for that.
What size doors are you looking for. I have several extra laying around that you are welcome to. I may also have some drawer fronts but I don't know how many you would need for that.

The door size needs to be like 35" x 20". Just going to cover the whole front, well the whole opening in the front of the stand. Not worried about airflow since there isn't a sump. Just want it to look more like a piece of furniture instead a tank stand.
Tank is ticking away nicely. Stuck a piece of LR in there lastnight, turned the heater on. I've been messing with the light settings a bit but I really like the preset setting which AI is calling 6500k, although it looks more like 12k to me, it's also not as blue in person as it is in the pic. Ordered new drivers for the mp10s, just waiting for those to get in and I might buy two new wetsides as they're both a little on the noisy side. I was going to test the water but I figured I'm only 6 days in, why even bother.

Picked up a pair of mocha clowns over the weekend. I know they're not the fanciest or most expensive of clowns but I've always liked mochas. Had the water tested and it was reading 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and just a hint of nitrate. They seem to be doing really well, swimming around nicely together, no strange or labored breating, eating so I think they'll be good to go.


They don't leave each others side.
