34g solana build.

Jackasses lol. And yeah snake, I might get a big frogspawn or hammer and see if they'll jump in it. I really don't want an anemone
Jackasses lol. And yeah snake, I might get a big frogspawn or hammer and see if they'll jump in it. I really don't want an anemone

Man why not?? My RBTA's have been awesome. Easily the most favorite thing in my tank and Extremly easy to care for.
I've had mine for about 3yrs, it's split about 5 times and never moved off the rock I initially put it on. I do know they move around though. Guess I've been lucky, mine is lazy.
We went to corals and fins yesterday and I couldn't pass up their deals. I spent $30 on three decent size frags, nothing fancy, just no name frags but they're cool and should spread nicely. I think my goal is honestly to add 4-6 nice sps colonies up top then litter the bottom with zoas
Still dealing with a bit of GHA but between the Phosphate RX and a group of Mexican turbo snails it should be gone soon. Here are the frags I picked up yesterday. I think once the GHA is all gone and gone for good I might start looking for some higher end zoas to create a zoa garden. I also want to grab some nice rics. I originally also wanted hammer/frogspawn but I don't think I want something so territorial so close to SPS in this little tank. This was literally 20 minutes after adding them to the display. They were all fully open while I was acclimating them. I have the light turned down a bit and am just going to slowly ramp the light up a bit until they stop stretching for light.

Well, sold the 75g, just took up a little bit too much room. Picked up a 34g solana from Mike (Janes_MW). Decided to build a different stand for it. Sold the previous BRS rock and picked up 25lbs of Marco. Also picked up a lightly used mp10es. For lights I am simply going to use half of what I planned on using over my 75g (light will consist of 2 vero 10 90CRI 5k whites, 4 Luxeon 8up royal blues, 4 limes and 14 430nm hyper violets). LEDs will be added to a RapidLED premier heatsink enclosure. Pretty stoked about this little tank. I'm still deciding whether or not I'm going to add sand or not. We'll see. So, a few pics.

Tank arrived, thanks again to Mike for bringing it over.

The Mp10, thanks to another local member, thanks Aaron!

Okay so, I ordered this rock late late Thursday night, actually, early Friday morning (1am) and it was at my door on Saturday while at the FAOIS garage sale.

Went to home depot yesterday and picked up the wood and assembled it. The stand is going to remain open.

The power strip looks crooked but it's just the angle. I definitely like how it's tucked away.

That's it for now. Going to play with the rocks tonight and put a nice little scape together for it, stain the stand and get her filled.

Is that one of those DJ power outlets with red light up switches?
Got the rock structure built. Definitely my favorite one that I've built so far. This is only about 15-20lbs of Marco rock. I love this stuff.

I like the rock work as well, minimalistic but plenty of places for corals and caves for fish to swim through and hide in.are the rock's pegged or epoxied together?
Sold my LED stuff and bought an AI prime, really cool little light, might end up buying another one, we'll see how just one works out. Going to get it mounted tomorrow and hopefully get this tank filled up before the weekend.

Oh yeah, I also pulled out the original AIO wall and built one out of 1/4" black acrylic. Also picked up a tunze silence 1073.008 for the return, a tunze 9004 skimmer and a pair of eheim jager heaters.

How do you like your AI prime? I plan on using that same light for my 20 by 20 by 16 deep blue I'm setting up. Is there a special app you have to download in order to control the light?
Yeah it's just one of the American DJ panels you can buy at SamAsh for $30. The rock is all epoxied together with JB water weld except the the piece on the very right, thats just placed there. So far I like the prime, super easy to control. All you have to do is download the MyAI app, then when you pull up wifi networks on your phone or computer it'll list the prime, just connect to it. The light will have instructions on how to set it up which is real easy. You can also just control it right from your computer through the primes wifi network.
I was going to try 2 of these on my new build but then have heard that they don't provide the par with the spread they say. Said they are only good for about 12x12.

Decided to go against them and get a radion Pro and try that out!
Yeah there was some debate another forum in regards to their numbers which AI has addressed. Their original claim was 500 @ 12", then they said 260 @ 12", then they said they made a mistake on distance and said they meant 500 @ 8" so I don't know. I know the readings I got weren't what I was hoping for but, MrHarvard has one over his 29g biocube and has acros encrusting so we'll see. Also talked to John at FAOIS and I guess their SPS tank only has a reading of 120-130 PAR so, PAR doesn't seem to be as crucial of a factor as we might think. I think it'll do more than a 12x12 spread honestly. I'll take some more readings tonight and see how far from center the numbers start to drop off quickly.
Jackasses lol. And yeah snake, I might get a big frogspawn or hammer and see if they'll jump in it. I really don't want an anemone

Just get a big derasa clam,my clowns hosted one and the clam didn't seem to be bothered by them one bit.that or a nice duncan colony my clowns really liked those as well.