370G Tank Preview

Yea, I used the 50ml as a min since you need to make sure whatever pump is pushing it can do at least that amount. I do about 75 right now which is close to what this pump will do. The real key is to have a pump to "push" water through the reactor. I bought the biggest diaphragm pump that AE had for dosing rated at 30 gpd which is 80ml per minute being "pushed" through the reactor.

I talked to Stan at www.reefdosingpumps.com and his periastolic units won't do this kind of volume. What type of pump are you going to use?

I talked with RDP as well. They were very honest - they didn't sell me a pump. He was actually surprised during a long conversation that it wouldn't work - he asked me to point him to the aforementioned thread and he studied up on it.

It really takes a medical type pump. Mine is the same as most people on that thread, it's a Cole Parmer, modified. I ended up getting it for $135 so we'll see. I'll email you some pix if you'd like. I'll probably post my progress in that thread from Ewan. You can get lucky and get them on ebay around that price, but I hate that stuff (bidding). I wanted an RDP or a Grotech but they had nothing that could pull that much water.

Sorry again for the thread hi-jack, but Art - you'll have to acquaint yourself with this reactor. It's a PITA to set-up but they say once it's dialed in, it's a monster.

EDIT - I also think the LitreMetre III might work, if you can get one. I didn't have the time to wait. But if it turns out to be better, I'll sell the Cole Parmer and switch out.
Fliger and Mike,

Good info on the Jetstream...I do have a Litermeter III that I'm not currently using, I guess I can use it for the reactor...Yet another option.


Yes, the liveaboard yacht did the obligatory shark feeding dive. It was exciting but by no means the highlight of the trip. Here are a couple of pics:

I took this one about 10' from the feeding frenzy:

This guy came up to sniff us as we made our initial decent:
I think you can buy it at home depot, it might not be in stock and they need to order it for you though. Not exactly sure, I know they sell MDF, unsure if they normally keep the laminated stuff in stock though.
What's the advantage of using the MDF over plywood? Wonder if you can order the laminate? I know HD sells laminate for melamine.
First of all, ART , your friggin crazy to be out there with those sharks...........i mean insane!

Kimoy, in this case we chose to go with a painted stand rather than spending the cash on powder coating. Powder coating is a better way to go , but the piaint we used should hold up exceptionally well, and saved Art some cash.

I use MDF or HDF whenever possible. The material is extremely uniformn in thickness and lays true. Plywood is simply thin pieces of wood/veneer that are laminated to gether with opposing grain. Plywood of the same thickness is stronger than mdf , but is not as true in thickness and "flatness"....which , IMO, is very important for the surface of a tank stand(speacially acrylic). The strength of this stand is in the steel.not the substrate. Some might argue that mdf or hdf will swell when wet....which is true. This is why we laminate it in plastic laminate (formica type material).

Melamine is a particle board covered in a pressure thermo foil. The foil is extremely thin. The nice thing about it is IF the edges are sealed, the material is pretty water resistant, and can be used. It is just as flat and true as mdf, but not as strong/dense. For a larger aquarium, i would NOT use melamine. Also keep in mind that there are some melamines that are only "1 sided", and have a backer sheet on the opposite side. These sheets will warp under different humidity levels(NOT GOOD). Also , the way any of these substrates are stacked can be an issue. Ive seen H.D. racks that have plywood etc. stacked in such a way that the sheet is extremely cupped or warped (also not good).

I dont buy anything from H.D.

Greg out of curiosity when the holes were cut out in the laminated mdf did you seal up the exposed MDF? And if so how? Or did you laminate the whole thing after the fact?
Hey greg,

Thanks for answering all the questions.

While you are at it, what type of paint did you use for the stand?
greg65 said:
Acrylic enamel paint

Hey Greg,
Thanks for the answers. Is this stuff better than a primer and paint? I'm not sure if I'm getting that right but the guy who I think I will have make my stand said the stuff is used in marine applications.

Sorry, I've been terribly busy and have neglected the updates to this thread.

I have made some progress though. I hung the lights - 6 250w MH DE in Reefoptix III pendants and 7 48" VHO's. It's a much tighter fit in there than I thought it would be. The pendants are really pretty close to each other. Well, it does give me quite a bit of lighting options.

I also braved the crawlspace and ran all the pipes under the house. I put down plastic sheeting along my path first (about 25') and this made MUCH easier since I could just slide over the plastic.

Next step is to finally uncrate the tank and put it on the stand.

I'll try to post some pics tomorrow.