370G Tank Preview

I'm headin' down to the bay area this weekend - wanna meet up & invade Art's house? I need a little break from the rain ;)
I figure we can get him set in what 15 - 20 minutes or so...right?


I'll definitely need your help (and of few others) to move that beast. Thanks, I'll give you a hollar.

James, you're welcome to come by when you're in the area - but this weekend I'm out :(


Wow, hard to believe that the last time I saw this was before you started this thread. So much progress since then. I will be there when you need help...and I think you know where to find me ;-)


The starboard is close to flush...It's a perfect fit along the side with cutouts for the closed loop bulkheads. All edges are siliconed.

As a bonus, he sent me the left over starboard and it fit perfectly in my existing 215gal :) Lucky me.

Man that tank looks nice!

i cant wait to get mine from James! i wish august 18th or 19th would come already so i could get my tank!

that will be a beauty for sure Art.

keep the pics coming!

I went over to Greg's at Omegareef yesterday and picked up a few synthetic rock for my aquascaping. I know, I know, many will think this sacrilegious but that's ok. This synthetic rock has been used in Germany and in high end aquariums for quite awhile with nice results. Omegareef import a ton of this stuff in from Germany - I'm not sure where else you can get in in the US.

I'll use this rock to create a "bommie" or reef tower in the front center of the display tank. It will be surrounded by "real" live rock that I've been cooking forever. I decided on synthetic rock because of it's stable, is very open to allow flow and I was able to get tall, fairly thin "towers". I was inspired by pics from the Royal Exclusive website by Klaus Jenson (pics to follow).

Here is a pic of 3 towers situated how I will mostly have them in the tank:

Here's closer shot so you can see the swimthru's:

Here are the two pics from the RE website that inspired me. The first is the tank installation:

And here's the awesome finished product:

In other news, the stand is in place and I'm finally starting to pin down the aquascaping...

that's awesome. Very unique. When I plan out my 180 or 220 L-Shape I'm gonna look into a couple of these. Keep Up the good work by the way. The tank is coming out AWESOME!!

How thick is the acrylic that your tank is made of?


Thanks so much. The acrylic is 1" all around.

I really love the non-traditional shaped tanks - I think they add character and uniqueness.

It's very expensive from a per pound point of view, but that's not a fair comparison because you get shapes the fit a particular purpose and are also stable and open. To me these designs were worth the price (although there was some initial price shock). It would have been very difficult for me to duplicate the look with live rock (and I have tried).

I'll let Greg comment on the exact price.

reefboy1 said:
It's very expensive from a per pound point of view, but that's not a fair comparison because you get shapes the fit a particular purpose and are also stable and open. To me these designs were worth the price (although there was some initial price shock). It would have been very difficult for me to duplicate the look with live rock (and I have tried).

I'll let Greg comment on the exact price.


Does he ship and are they set designs or random?
Feel free to contact me after the weekend of the 25th. We will be unveiling this new product at the chicago show , all priceing and sizes available will be known at that time.(Art was fortunate enough to get a sneak peak and couldnt resist posting about it)
BTW, i am NOT the official importer.

I got the black flexspa from Ewing - it's identical to the white stuff and happens to be the only stuff they can get now. I'm luckily enough to have a store very close to me as they have an awesome selection of PVC stuff and the prices are great ($130 for 100' of 2" flexspa).

Redeyereef, I'll let Greg comment on that.
