375 gal peninsula build up pictures

Here are some pics from the transfer, the rest can be found here.





<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11159321#post11159321 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gasman059
Oh no u did not a volitans!

Beautiful work I'll try to swing by to take a closer llook.

Congratulations and job well done. I can't think of a more deserving guy for such a beautiful reef@
Thanks Manny, I'll be here al day if you wish to stop by.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11159337#post11159337 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
rogger did you move the tunzes now as well, also time to change the tank on the profile.
I placed 1 of the Tunzes in the tank and it is running on the opposite side of the wavebox, the second will go in today probably underneath the WB, so far no sandstorms!
Looking good Roger !

A few questions , after getting the Maristar on the tank , do you feel it can adequately light the longer tank ? Do you plan on leaving the lights that high , what HQI bulbs are you running ?

The reason I ask is because I have the 36" model , and would like to use it on a 48" long tank, just not sure how it would light the longer tank
We slid the lights up above the hanging brackets so we would have room to get the rocks in. Normally, the light fixture hangs from 2 adjustable wire harnesses. From what I saw, the fixture is adequate and the tank was pretty well lit, even where it was. In the normal position it should be bright enough.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11159321#post11159321 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gasman059
Oh no u did not a volitans!

The volitans Lionfish came with the tank. It was sitting in Rogger's sump for a couple of months. He looked happy to be out of there and back to his old stomping grounds. He scared the heck out of some of Rogger's fish, and there's one damsel in there that looks about the right size for a meal.
Pedro I hereby name u the official spokesperson for Mr. Castells tank.

I guess once u get into the big leagues u need a spokesperson/J/k
Hey Rogger thanks for having us over today. Remember to take that frag out of the sump! Oh and I forgot the box and instructions for the pH controller. I'm going to go find them online.
yea rogger...big thanks for letting us check it out! looks amazing! deff tank of the month in about 6 months. It makes my tank look soooooooo small!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11162215#post11162215 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jman77
Looking good Roger !

A few questions , after getting the Maristar on the tank , do you feel it can adequately light the longer tank ? Do you plan on leaving the lights that high , what HQI bulbs are you running ?

The reason I ask is because I have the 36" model , and would like to use it on a 48" long tank, just not sure how it would light the longer tank

The lights are very adequate, I am not going to change them.
They look great over the tank ... what bulb combo are you running ?

Are you running the bulbs on HQI or Eballasts?
Looks amazing Rogger!! Is it me or is the Lion licking its chops at the Anthias in the bottom corner!!! Watch out or he will be getting an expensive meal!!
Wow such nice pictures of a great tank! I wonder who took them?! :p

Manny I brought over a tank warming gift as well. BTW Rogger make sure to take it out of the sump and acclimate it!!
Beautiful tank, Rogger! Looking at the pictures of the live rock going into the new tank, did you anchor the pieces of rock together with epoxy or any other method? Also, what type of sand did you finally use?