375 gal peninsula build up pictures

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11133805#post11133805 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
how about today, I will call you later, I think I have all I need already. I really want to do the move on Saturday,

I can come over and help out on Sat, Rog'. LMK

BTW I can help you guys out with any extra beer you don't need :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11135794#post11135794 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pedromatic
I can come over and help out on Sat, Rog'. LMK

BTW I can help you guys out with any extra beer you don't need :D

Pedro, Saturday help will be greatly appreciated, it is my intention to make the move on that day, Thank you!
Added salt & turned skimmer off

Added salt & turned skimmer off


Thanks guys, I am very exited about this weekend move, I am praying everything comes out as planned.
I was really afraid that the skimmer wouldn't work as it is connected in line with the main pump and the manufacturer recommends a dedicated pump but it works perfect, this morning I woke up to a full neck and cup full of froth, pretty impressive equipment.
I am exited that I will be lowering my electric bill considerably with a much bigger real state.
So Saturday's the big day. I'm looking forward to it... got my scuba gear, wading boots, first aid kit... :D
Whoever is going tomorrow morning/afternoon is going to be in for a treat. I'm going to bring the decorator crab that has been in my tank for the past 6 months or so. He's grown, and now he's larger than most of my acro frags, so it's time for adoption or the flusher. Just figure you guys would like to see it.
Yes, I know to my Puerto Rican Heritage I am a drinking disappointment!!!

Hey, dont blame it on your heritage, lets be real here!! Lets blame it on your miniscure stature!! LOL!! Verne Troyer!!
The electricity was all completed last night as per schedule (BIG THANKS TO MELVIN AND MANNY "THESAENT"), They pulled an overnighter with me, we got all the wiring done, the lights were also moved.
Jess, the move could start now, however I am going to wait a few more hours until mid afternoon to let the water clear a little more as it is very cloudy right now from the sand. I say probably start at around 2-3pm
I was involved in the actual placement of rock and corals so I did not take many pics my self but Pedro did, I am sure he will post them, But so far this is how the tank is looking now enjoy

Oh no u did not a volitans!

Beautiful work I'll try to swing by to take a closer llook.

Congratulations and job well done. I can't think of a more deserving guy for such a beautiful reef@