40 Gallon Planted Seahorse Aquarium


New member
Hey Everyone,
Over the past 6-8 months I have been working changing the theme of my aquarium. What used to be a reef has been dismantled and started over as a seahorse tank. What started as a simple concept has really evolved into an obsession. I have become extremely interested in macro algae and all the benefits and colors that they can offer. I have truly enjoyed this aquarium over any reef tank that I have had over the past 15 years. Please take a look at the evolution of my aquarium and let me know your thoughts.
I will apologize for the quality of my photos in advance. Someday I will have a camera better than a cell phone in order to take better photos! Hope you like my tank!!

Marineland 40 Gallon Column

Filtration & Pumps
- Fluval 306 Filter
- CPR 24in HOB AquaFuge
- 3x Marineland Powerhead 400
- Coralife TurboTwist UV Sterilizer

- Fluval 24" Reef LED
- Fluval 24" Plant LED
- Coralife 24" T5 (Refugium)

- Springeri Dottyback
- Fridmani Dottyback
- Yellow Clown Goby
- Scooter Blenny
- Yellow Watchman Goby
- 2x True Percula Clownfish
- 2x Dragonface Pipefish
- 3x Hippocampus Erectus Seahorse

- Camel Shrimp
- Flame Shrimp
- Cleaner Shrimp
- Tiger Pistol Shrimp
- 2x Emerald Crabs
- 2x Peppermint Shrimp
- 2x Serpent Starfish
- Feather Duster

Macro Algae
- Chaetomorpha Sp.
- Cladophora Prolifera
- Red Grape Botryocladia Sp.
- Red Bush Gracilaria Hayi
- Halimeda Opuntia
- Dragons Breath Halymenia Sp
- Red Bryothamnion Sp.
- Ulva Sea Lettuce
- Red Portieria Sp
- Fauchea Sp
- Green Cymopolia Barbata
- Caulerpa Prolifera
- Red Graciliaria
- Blue Hypnea
- Green Neomeris Annulata
- Red Galaxaura
- Galaxura Subverticillata
- Acanthophora Spicifera
- Mermaids Fan Halimeda
- Shaving Brush Halimeda
- Pine Cone Halimeda
- Mangrove Rhizophora Mangle
- Green Codium Sp
- Blue Scroll Algae
- Red String of Pearl
- Unknown Brown Fuzzy

Corals / Anemone
- Mini Carpet Anemone
- Kenya Tree Leather
- Common Brown Gorgonian x4
- Gold Sea Wip Gorgonian
- Purple Mushrooms
- Yellow/Brown Mushrooms
- Morgonian Gorgonian
- Purple Ribbon Gorgonian x2

- Approximately 70 lbs of assorted live rock (both tank and refugium combined)

I am sure some of you may comment on the fish assortment in with the seahorses. Yes, I know it is a bit unconventional of a seahorse setup but to date everything has worked out flawlessly. Everyone is getting along perfectly and the tank & livestock continue to thrive.

Hope you enjoy the photos and the progress that I have made with my aquarium. Please feel free to comment or ask any questions.
Initial Setup

Initial Setup

Here is a shot of the initial rockwork


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Additonal Live Rock

Additonal Live Rock

After allowing the tank to clear and adding some fish, I felt that I needed to add more liverock into the aquarium.. You also may notice a powder brown hippo tang, which was a temporary addition to the aquarium. He was being house for a friend and has been removed since this photo..


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1st Wave of Macro

1st Wave of Macro

From there I started adding macro algae into the aquarium to get some color!


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Looking like a Seahorse Tank

Looking like a Seahorse Tank

Over time I continued to add new variety of macro algae into the tank... and then once I had enough things for a seahorse to enjoy, I finally added my first seahorse.


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Gorgonians & More Macro

Gorgonians & More Macro

Whats better than algae for seahorses to hold onto? Gorgonians!!! Time to start adding Gorgonians along with even more macro algae!


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Wanna Get Upclose?

Wanna Get Upclose?

Time for some closer photos to see some stuff a little better. Lets start with a few of my favorite macro algae varieties!

Below from left to right
Dragon's Breath, Blue Scroll, Red Portieria, Red Grape


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Maybe Seahorses Next?

Maybe Seahorses Next?

Here's a couple shots of my seahorses hanging out in some of my algae or on some of my gorgonians.


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Blue Hypnea

Blue Hypnea

One of my newest macro algae varieties that I am crazy about

ORA Blue Hypnea


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Morgonian Gorgonian

Morgonian Gorgonian

I gotta take more pictures of my Gorgonians, but here is one of my Morgonian Gorgonians!


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That is all for right now. I need to take some more pictures tomorrow to show the current state of the aquarium. I have moved some stuff around and added many more gorgonians since these photos were taken. Please check this thread again very soon for some up to date photos. I really hope that you enjoyed looking at my setup and feel free to ask me any questions about my setup!

Carmen T
How unique! Being a plant lover myself I really enjoy the different macros a lot. As soon as my new lamp gets here, my fuge is going to become a haven for them.
You have an awesome set up! Thank you for sharing it with us :)
Thanks.. Again, I cannot wait to post up to date pictures. Even though the last full tank shot was taken about a month or so ago, I have made great progress with growth and many new macro and gorgonian additions. I will do my best to have them posted tomorrow!!!
Larger Shot

Larger Shot

Found another picture that is a little more recent. I tried to make this one larger to allow you to better see and identify the different variety of macro and gorgonians.
I really like the blue scroll. I had no idea that such a thing even existed! I think I might even like it as much as Codium Lucasii. The ORA blue hypnea is beautiful as well. It is a relief to see one so healthy and blue, because the ones I see in Diver's Den always seem pretty drab, which is a disappointment after seeing the colorful specimen that ORA has pictured on their website.
I love the look of the macros and gorgonians I'm going to make a split 4ft tank with half being a macro aglae seahorse tank and the other half being a reef tank (:
I get macro anywhere I can... I'm on several forums looking for new varieties, I've just about cleaned EBay out of anything that was offered, and I've used sites like live-plants.com

Ultimately if I see a variety that a like, I don't stop till I get it lol

Right now I'm trying to get my hands on Blue Ochtodes, but have yet to find any available at a reasonable price...