430gal., L-shaped display

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14080514#post14080514 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by "Umm, fish?"

new2sw776784--I'm not even sure what century we're in. Cut me some slack. ;) Heck, I can't even program the VCR. You want me to program the camera? :) [/B]

It make no difference to me i just thought you would like to know so that you didn't get the date cofused when in 20 years you decide to look back on this. By then your old timers should be set in. :D And you will be all confused:)

The tank is coming right along newest set of pics look great as well.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14086893#post14086893 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by "Umm, fish?"
What are the size/dimensions of the mixing tanks? Did you get them locally - if not, where did you order them from?


It make no difference to me i just thought you would like to know so that you didn't get the date cofused when in 20 years you decide to look back on this. By then your old timers should be set in. And you will be all confused

Well, that seems completely likely. :) At least if my current memory is any basis to judge.

What are the size/dimensions of the mixing tanks? Did you get them locally - if not, where did you order them from?

The tanks are 175 gals. each and I have no idea where they are from. I'll ask Mike next time I see him, which should be tomorrow morning.
I've been lurking your thread for a while now and have to say this is a really cool build and the house ain't bad either!:lol:

Are those retractable hangers that the new lights are suspended from? If so where did you find them? I was looking for something like that when I hung my light last year but couldn't find anything that looked that nice.
Beautiful lights (not the MHs) :p Someone in your household has really good taste. I too would like to know about the retractible hanging device as I need a couple for my T5 pendant fixture.
I believe these are the light hangers:

http://www.sunlightsupply.com/hort/...IFT&title=Light Movers / Hangers&type=product

I like them a lot! There is a tension adjustment on there so you can get them to roughly "neutral bouyancy." At that point, you just pull up or down very easily. I can't take credit, though. Mike the installer came up with them. In fact, I think he might sell them at his LFS.

And thanks, Alan! I'd like to take credit, but my lovely bride is a better designer than I am. We make a good pair. :)
Wow! That was crazy. I'm just back from my afternoon. If you haven't heard, Boulder had some insane winds today and several fires that they couldn't control because of the winds. My horse lives out in a barn a little north of the city, less than a mile from where one of the fires started. So, I ran out there and had to drive all over the place to get through to the barn. All of the main roads were blocked. Here's a photo I took on my phone while stopped at one of the blockades:


That was several miles away from the fire.

I finally got to the barn. Mass chaos. I got my horse out and onto a guy's trailer. Helped a couple other people. He told me to meet him at the county fairgrounds. I could see the flames from the barn. As I was leaving, the guy stopped to get a couple more horses on the trailer. I had to stop for gas on the way, so I lost him completely. When I got to the fairground, no horse. The county people turned him away (despite having empty stalls, hmmph). I finally tracked him down hours later at a private barn that took in ten of the horses. He's fine. In fact, he already has Dieter, the hand, wrapped around his hoof.

Crazy night. My kiddo's pretty worked up. We're giving her part of the morning off tomorrow so we can take her out to visit. I'm sure to be sick later after having the gas station's finest for dinner. Ugh.

Fortunately, it sounds like they managed to get all of the 100 horses at my barn to safety. I don't know if the barn is still there any longer.
Glad to hear all the horses are all right, and sorry about the Gas Bar Special. I hope it doesn't haunt you for too long.
No, fortunately I managed to get my guy to load onto a trailer. He did run 6-7 circles around me while we were waiting for his turn (the horse in front of him was balking), but when it finally came time to load up he was a trooper. I know that several people couldn't get their horses onto trailers and they had no choice but to walk out. I've never lunged a horse around a 5 foot circle before, but it can be done. :) I wanted him close enough that I could keep my free hand on his back so I could feel what he was doing with his body, but he's heavy boy and I wasn't going to be able to completely stop him from moving. He needed to shed some energy, anyway.

I went to visit him this morning. He's doing fine. In fact, he's going home today. The fire trashed the fields of the next farm over, but they managed to save the buildings and I guess they managed to contain it before it spread to my barn. Whew.

It's good to hear that things are back to normal in New York after 9/11. One of my editors wrote and said, "I hope everything's fine. Don't worry about the project. You can get it to me any time today, it doesn't have to be first thing." Sigh.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14092329#post14092329 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by "Umm, fish?"
I believe these are the light hangers:

http://www.sunlightsupply.com/hort/...IFT&title=Light Movers / Hangers&type=product

I like them a lot! There is a tension adjustment on there so you can get them to roughly "neutral bouyancy." At that point, you just pull up or down very easily. I can't take credit, though. Mike the installer came up with them. In fact, I think he might sell them at his LFS.

And thanks, Alan! I'd like to take credit, but my lovely bride is a better designer than I am. We make a good pair. :)

Thanks for the info! I remember seeing those when I was looking but they looked kind of cluncky on the website and I would need 4 to hold up my fixture which I think would look odd. They look MUCH better in your setup!:thumbsup: I also have a new fixture on my small tank that these would be perfect for.

Glad to hear everything worked out in the end with your horse!
Glad that things turned out okay. I was in CA a year ago when they had their fires. Those canyons are a bad place to live. The fire burns off the vegitation and then the rains wash away the soil. :(
Incredible lights. I especially like the last shot -- the way the shades cast those colors on the ceiling is wonderful.
What type of rock are you using (is it aquacultured) and where did you get it from?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14116469#post14116469 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by "Umm, fish?"
That's Compari in those bottles. :)

I LOVE Campari and soda with a slice of orange. It's definitely an acquired taste. Some liken the taste to calgoric (sp?) (cough medicine). :p
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