430gal., L-shaped display

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New house photos: http://www.ummfish.com/remodel.html

I spent part of the day today taping the top of the display tank completely closed in anticipation of the floor guys starting tomorrow!

I also picked up the plastic observation window for a 55 gal. drum converted to a tank for pelagic spawners today. When I came out a fox was running through the parking lot, not six feet from the truck. Pretty cool! The exciting part, really, was seeing all of the off-cut acrylic and acrylic cylinders available. The mind races....
This thing?


The vast majority of the heating vents are running along that wall of the basement so they could be shoved through the old coal shoot. Instead of just framing it off flush, which would have taken up a lot of space in the room, they created the angled framing to enclose them. The new flat piece coming off of there is a shelf for wood storage (offcuts and the like). I'll probably set up plywood storage underneath that space.

Sorry. I wasn't trying to be dense. :)
Well, I'm not done with it yet, but I finally got all of the holes drilled and the acrylic bent around the barrel. Note to self: Next time use webbing clamps. I could have used far fewer bolts if I'd done that. This time it was mostly just my rear end as a clamp and my kiddo inside the barrel setting bolts for me. I'm going to let the acrylic sit for a day of so and then loosen all of the nuts, spread in a silicone gasket, and tighten it all down. I'll also cover the bolt heads inside with a layer of silicone. I still have to set up an external overflow/egg collection system.



Back to barrels. For those of you who've been laughing at me because I didn't remove the backing paper before bolting it down, you were right. I had to pretty much remove the whole pane to get the protective covering off. But, the first coat of silicone is on!!!!

More photos:




I also picked up the plastic observation window for a 55 gal. drum converted to a tank for pelagic spawners today.

I'm all about the fish porn, so I have to have a clear window to keep an eye on things. Seriously, the MOFIB breeder's challenge hard species for 2009 are 6 line wrasses and I would like to see what I can do. So, if I can manage to get a pair set up, this will be their home. The return for this tank will be deep along one wall so I get get an upwelling, circular flow up to an egg collection basket in the overflow.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14031149#post14031149 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by "Umm, fish?"
I'm all about the fish porn, so I have to have a clear window to keep an eye on things. Seriously, the MOFIB breeder's challenge hard species for 2009 are 6 line wrasses and I would like to see what I can do. So, if I can manage to get a pair set up, this will be their home. The return for this tank will be deep along one wall so I get get an upwelling, circular flow up to an egg collection basket in the overflow.
Interesting project..will watch to see how things work out. Keep this updated. Good Luck!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14031414#post14031414 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by "Umm, fish?"
Thanks, Chuck! Next up: Will it hold water...? :)

If it's like all your other projects -- YES :p
BTW The millwork still amazes me every time I look at it. You picked a good GC there my friend.
If it's like all your other projects -- YES

Apparently, you have not seen all my other projects. ;)

BTW The millwork still amazes me every time I look at it. You picked a good GC there my friend.

This is true. And when Stacey was assigned this project he went into the meeting where all of the project managers fight over resources and said, "_I_ get all the good carpenters." And I'm not joking about that. I heard that from a good source. :)
Wow...that is all I can say...wow!! :eek2:

This build is amazing...just scanned through from the beginning...can't wait to see it full of fish and corals!! (real fish and corals that is ;) )
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14034148#post14034148 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by "Umm, fish?"
This is true. And when Stacey was assigned this project he went into the meeting where all of the project managers fight over resources and said, "_I_ get all the good carpenters." And I'm not joking about that. I heard that from a good source. :)

I was a project manager and I understand that. It's all about the guy that runs the show. I was a PM on a project in MI and the millwright superintendent who worked for me was of the same mold as your PM. His company was union and he had to take what the local business manager (union boss) sent him. But the was smart enough to recognize good craftsmen so he would keep sending guys back to the union hall that he didn't want until he got the crew he wanted.
You lucked out with him.
Thanks, Jason! My brother-in-law just retired from a paramedic/firefighter career. Good luck out there and thanks!

Alan--Oh, we have no doubt about it. The crew holiday presents flowed freely this year and we try to feed them as often as possible. Maybe that's why they are doing such a good job? I doubt that, though. They are all very professional and don't seem to be doing such great jobs for much other than personal satisfaction. A very powerful motivator, IMO, if you can find people who are striving for personal excellence.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14041117#post14041117 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hopeful Reefer
Confuscious once said...

He who feed fat-worker get many results.

Guess that must be true!! ;)

Many results..... yes they all take a three hour siesta to let that food digest :lol: :lol:
I remember. The first rule to getting grad students to show up for anything was to serve some sort of cheap meal. :)

Ugh. Just got a big dose of floor sealer in my mug. There's a lake in the living room! So, the second coat of sealer is down. The first finish coat goes on tomorrow.

And, despite the raging 90mph winds that started at sundown last night and continued up 'til about ten minutes ago--yes, we are all in a good mood today, thank you :) --I managed to get outside and try a preliminary water test on the barrel. Not too shabby: Just two small, weepy leaks coming out of a couple of bolt threads. I'm siphoning the water back out now and I'll put a second coat of silicone on everything in the inside whenever it dries.




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