430gal., L-shaped display

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Well, playing around with shapes for larvae tanks. I had this unit for rot cultures (with an air pump) a while back. I added a large diameter pipe in the middle of the tank. Even with leaving the neck open, the flow dynamics were pretty darn good. I would assume that plugging the neck would make it work better. The example creatures in there are RN Arctipods (so largish, heavy, and not alive) and the flow worked pretty well at keeping them up in the water column. At least the ones that didn't have trapped air and wanted to float. Not much you can do about them.

The lower third of the container even had a decent kreisel-type flow. I still need to figure out an overflow up high and the fact that it's only a 5 gal. container is working against me. The mesh screens on the overflow will have to be relatively small so the water movement would be more concentrated. I wish they were 20 gal. If anyone knows of a container with a curved cone like the water bottle but in a larger size, please let me know.



I certainly need to also rig up a system that can hold the center tube in place while still allowing for small adjustments.

Actually, I'm kind of silly. The muck buckets I bought have sort of the characteristics I want, aside from the flat bottom. I'll try to get into the basement in the morning before they put on the next coat of finish and try one out.
Those look good! Thanks, Alan. I did manage to sneak down to the basement this morning before the floor guys put the final coat on the floor and pulled out the much bucket for a test. It looks like it will probably serve my purposes.

The floors look great! I'm looking forward to getting back in there on Sunday!
I took a few house photos now that we can (gingerly) walk on the floors. We're going to start moving some stuff in tomorrow. Then, the big changes happen. Two weeks of finish stuff and then the movers come to move the mattresses over! (My back feels better, but not that much better, though I'm just about to the point that I'd drag the mattresses over with my teeth.)

You need to call the painters back as they forgot to paint the ceiling in the living room blue. :lol: :lol:
I am still amazed at the millwork every time I look at your photos -- incredible work.
BTW what are those photos taped up all over the place?
:) I think we might actually leave the living room ceiling white. Crazy, I know.

As for the photos, the crew are installing some shelves in the utility room and those pictures are of those walls right before any of the sheetrock went up. That way they can see what they are just about to set a screw into. And since a lot of the in-floor heating pipes run through that area, they really wanted to be sure about it.

So, now that the floors are done, we are past all of the major dust-causing projects. So, we moved tons of books over today:

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14079936#post14079936 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by "Umm, fish?"
leave the living room ceiling white.

Who are you and what have you done with Andy? :lol:

I spy with my little eye a castle across the street, complete with turret!
I like the secret compartment:


(although it's not too secret now that you've posted it on the web!) :)


Those are actually condos and mostly seem to have a steady turnover of college students. Actually, there are a couple of houses in town, including one around the corner, that really have the castle look. I'll see if I can get photos for you if it ever warms up again. I complain, but it was 64F two days ago. 34F and snowed yesterday, and _cold_ today.
Oops. You two wrote in while I was writing to Catherine.

Thanks, Ed! Yep. That's the door to my daughter's closet. I want her room. I'm booting her at 18, just so I can have her room. Okay, maybe not.

new2sw776784--I'm not even sure what century we're in. Cut me some slack. ;) Heck, I can't even program the VCR. You want me to program the camera? :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14080514#post14080514 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by "Umm, fish?"
Thanks, Ed! Yep. That's the door to my daughter's closet. I want her room. I'm booting her at 18, just so I can have her room. Okay, maybe not.
I am curious about the hinge/hardware it uses. Don't the shelves slide out before they actually rotate in order to allow for the depth of the shelves?

Very cool stuff. I am sure you're excited to be so close to getting everything wrapped up.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14080912#post14080912 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by "Umm, fish?"
Nope. The shelves on the side that swings are cut an an angle to allow the shelf to rotate around a fixed point.
Ah! Now that I look more closely at the photo where the shelves are closed, I do see a slight angle on the left wall to accommodate the shelves swinging open.

Nice work!

3:30am? Are you kidding me? Go to bed man! :)

Yeah, I would love to take credit for that, but I can't. We told the cabinet designer what we wanted and he worked out the details. Plus, the cabinet installer is one heck of a woodworker. I'm really impressed with him.

Okay, I'm taking my own advice. Good night!
Got to love the socks on those bar stools. :lol:
Is that a dog washing area (in the room with the sloping ceiling)?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14082345#post14082345 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by "Umm, fish?"
3:30am? Are you kidding me? Go to bed man! :)

Yeah, I would love to take credit for that, but I can't. We told the cabinet designer what we wanted and he worked out the details. Plus, the cabinet installer is one heck of a woodworker. I'm really impressed with him.
I'm on EST so it was 5:30am. (yea, it's still sad that I woke up this early) :rollface:

As you have said before, you have an awesome crew working on your house. The quality is amazing!

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