Ultimate Reefer
Thanks I'm glad it works, I've already ordered it. I usually verified my reagent also but this last time I didn't so the last few months I've been chasing a high p04 number that was really 0 and my corals and color really suffered, just glad I caught it before it went to far.
Good to hear the new acros are encrusting and I am a tad bit jealous of the aqua scape and room you have now for nice sticks. The new overflow seems like it's a great option.. Is it quiet? The website was a little difficult to navigate on my phone so I need to look into it further on my computer to see if it will fit my situation and gain me some real estate like you =).. Anxiously awaiting the awesomeness that's in store for your build..
The Elos kit is the PERFECT PO4 test kit IMO. Its a rebadged Merck kit...its the same one D&D used to sell...
The Oceanlife overflow is as quite if not quieter than my old weir. The other option is XAqua. But for your size tank you would need two. Cost will be in the region of $330 for two, going by UK prices.
Congrats on kid #3 :celeb2: and very nice to see you back on the forums again. :celeb1:
I have a question, or two!
Your overflow looks very nice. Its clean and non intrusive. But are you not worried about what would happen if the drain get clogged? I run dual standpipe (herbie) and my primary have been blocked a few times.
Also, noise. Do you throttle the drain or is just free flow? My herbie is completely silent, but i must say that i would not mind to remove the owerflow in my tank. I need to move it anyway soon.
Thanks Ormet.
While custom tanks sold in the UK are now being built with herbie type overflows, it is only a very recent thing. Most tanks are built with a standard Durso's. Also, 99% of the midsize tanks are made and sold by TMC have a similar single drain and overflow design. Never heard of a blockage/flood issue. These TMC Signature tanks are VERY popular and 100's of these sold in the UK.
The Oceanlife has a FRONT GRILL with slits for the water to pass...BUT also has additional slits on the side, so even if something or a bunch or snails blocked the front grill, there are slits around the side that will allow water to pass through.
With regards to a blockage in the drain pipe, something big has to go in there...not sure how it would get past the slits...but the drain is the same as the single weir I had, so no additional risk there.
Yes, the drain is completely free flow. I'd never add valve or anything to throttle the drain which is the only drain on a tank. Noise wise the drain is better than the weir.
Glad to hear the test frag is doing well mate
I don't test for phos or nitrates nowdays but it sure sounds like the Elos High Resolution Phosphate kit is a better option than Hanna. Is the test procedure straight forward like most test kits Sahin or a pain in the arse like the Hanna.
Dont worry Biggles, if you cant carry out the test as reefmutt details below, Kevin will get it done in 10 seconds.

The test is very simple. Just add drops and powder to a 20 ml vial of tank water, gently mix for 3 minutes and compare colors. Color rendition is quite accurate in relation the the comparison chart. And it shows pretty small changes in po4 levels.
Yup, its that simple and colour rendition is very accurate.
I'm going to try that Elos test kit, thanks for mentioning it. I have the Hannah and in my opinion it's completely worthless. My Phosphate is somewhere between 0.0 and 1.8. :mad2:
I used to love my Hanna ULR Phosphorus meter until the reagent packs which gave different readings ****ed me off enough to stash the Hanna in the cupboard and look for something else.