The video is cool mate, the tank is looking great. All your rocks look green, is that my eyes or a little algae cycle.
I'm glad to see all that white putty, i thought i was the only one to use white putty lol. Now either you're fish color blind or you meant to buy two different colored clowns - why.
I'm pleased to hear everything you drop in the tank is holding color and that bacteria dosing stuff is working well for you :thumbsup:
Do you adjust the dosing to prevent your nitrates bottoming out or increase your nutrient input until you reach a steady nitrate level in the range you are chasing. How does that bit work - and dumb it down for me as usual please :beer:
More pics asap mate
Thanks mate.
Rocks: green algae is not your typical filamentous seems to be some sort of film algae, only it cant be scrubbed off...kind of like green Coralline algae...I've seen it in previous tanks and I've always assumed its just a part of the succession of algae in reef tanks. In any event, it is slowly being covered by normal coralline algae, but at the moment is the predominant algae covering the surface of the rocks.
Putty: I've always used Milliput. I dont use this other D&D Purple crap...Eventually Coralline algae or growth of coral bases will cover it.
Two different coloured fish: I swear I thought they were same colour...Nah, :lol: I love the black and white variety of clownfish...but also had to keep kids happy by keeping the "real Nemo" I told my kids, the larger black and white clown is mummy, and the orange/white one is little boy "Nemo fish"...Kids are happy...I am happy. :lol:
Nitrate: I dont really chase this one mate. I say really because I do keep an eye on it at the start of any tank to keep nuisance algae under control. Once the algae cycles are gone, I ony test it once in a blue moon...All my tanks once established have always tended to sit at the 1-2ppm Nitrate levels. I think moderate fish stocking and feeding levels has something to do with that.
We are eagerly waiting to see whats happening with your tank mate.
Further small update:
Yesterday I sneaked off to the LFS after work (LFS near to work) and picked up 3 awesome SPS frags for very cheap. I picked up frags of the following:
1. RR Wolverine/Pink Floyd lookalike.
2. Pacman lookalike. I say lookalike...this one looks exactly like the Pacman.
3. Aussie Echinata/speciosa...not sure which it is yet...but I love this delicate coral.
Normally these corals are sold at my LFS for a PREMIUM...but I think the frags were placed in the budget SPS tank by mistake...The usual SPS guy wasnt in for some reason...and all the better for me.

Got an absolute bargain (normally I expect to pay around £150 for these, but got them for £30 for all 3 :lol: Corals were dipped and inspected and look happy in the display.