5' X 5' Cube - 500 Gallon system

Roger typically recommends the WBs run the wave the "long" side of the tank, but frankly I think the way you are proposing would work better with your overflow situation. The waveboxes need about 3/4" clearance between the top of the water and the inside top of your tank (meaning they do not completely submerge) and then send a wave about 1 1/2" in height across the tank. You will love them!! :)
sorry if you've already found this out, but i thought i should let you know. the wavebox will not work on a large cube tank even with an extension. they are designed for rectangular tanks. you should search in the tunze forum and ask roger to clarify. there are a couple of threads about it there.
At what point does a tank "not" become a cube? Technically the tank in question is not a cube, albeit very close. I'm using WBs on my 10 by 5 tank (or will be anyway :) ) per Rogers recs.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7076425#post7076425 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by scarletknight06
maybe i missed a change in plans in the thread but i thought it was a 5x5 cube he was building. my apologies.

Sorry, I do not think that I can edit the title. I have changed the dimensions a little. It is now a 6' X 5' tank. :)
having the wave go front to back would be a different visual effect as well. could be interesting.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7075085#post7075085 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by scarletknight06
sorry if you've already found this out, but i thought i should let you know. the wavebox will not work on a large cube tank even with an extension. they are designed for rectangular tanks. you should search in the tunze forum and ask roger to clarify. there are a couple of threads about it there.

It works, but it looks weird. Aquarium Concepts in Hayward, CA has one on their cubish tank. The wave goes in sort of a corner to corner direction. It's not really a wave, but it looks cool and it gets the stuff in the middle moving.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7076454#post7076454 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Wade2185
Sorry, I do not think that I can edit the title. I have changed the dimensions a little. It is now a 6' X 5' tank. :)

Cool. :)

Bigger is not a bad thing. :p

I cant wait to see the tank. :)

Good luck with your new demensions.

Well I went and met with the builder today to try and finalize what I want. Here is a drawing of what I believe will be the final tank. I incorporated an island on the right side. The middle of the island will have my 4 returns that will be run through an OM 4-way unit. I will then use 3 Tunze Streams on the left side. This drawing also shows my lighting plans. The 400 watts will all be 10Ks and the island will be lit by 4 150 watt 20ks. Any suggestions out there? The blue lines show where I plan on aquascaping with my rocks.

aaaghhh where did the WBs go! :) J/K

Looks great, you've planned for some good water motion-- you can always add streams or WBs later if youdecide it's not enough.

The island idea is interesting-- my only thought is won't that get in the way of viewing some of the back rockwork?
What kind of reflectors are you looking at ?? I would think that you could easily get away with like 4x L3'sââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¦ You could have like 3x 400w and one 250w or all 400w... Just looks like alot more lighting then you really need to me...
I would get rid of the 4 x 150 watt light and replace with one 400 or a 250 if you want a lower light spot.
The reason is you will not want to be replacing 4 bulbs every year vs one. also the start up cost is less. And one lamp leaves more room in the hood.
Is this a 2 side viewable tank?
Looking good.
Pondfrog - The island should not be an issue from a view standpoint. The tank will be viewable from one 72" side and one 60" side. My only hesitation with the island is that it will have to go all the way to the top of the tank because it has my returns in it. That way I can make holes for the siphon break in case the power goes out. I am toying this morning with the idea of making the island into a closed loop instead of a return. That way I would not have to go to the top of the tank. The WB thing is still up in the air for the future.

Asnatlas and Ruiny - I currently have 2 Reefoptix I 400W pendants. I was thinking about adding either 2 more or I guess I could just put 1 400 W in the upper left corner with a Luminarc III reflector. I already have the 4 150 watt setups. They are the Aquamedic Ocean lights. I think you are right. 4 is overkill. I will probably just start with 2 of them. I cannot just run 1 400 or 250 because I would have to mount it directly over the acrylic brace and it would melt.

Cward - The tank is going in my basement. It will be built into a wall and I will have a fish room in the back. I am currently working with my heat/ac guy on the ventilation, etc. I currently have a 120 setup in my basement running 2 -400 watt bulbs and 1 150 watt bulb. Heat has not been an issue on this tank so I am hoping that heat will not be an issue on the new tank. Also, beacuse the tank will be behind a wall in a fish room, I will just be hanging the lights and there will not ba a canopy. I should be able to run all the fans and ventilation necassary to keep things cool.

Thank everyone for all of the suggestions so far. I have changed my design and mind several times and it has all been for the best. You guys are great.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7081642#post7081642 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Wade2185
Pondfrog - The island should not be an issue from a view standpoint. The tank will be viewable from one 72" side and one 60" side. My only hesitation with the island is that it will have to go all the way to the top of the tank because it has my returns in it. That way I can make holes for the siphon break in case the power goes out. I am toying this morning with the idea of making the island into a closed loop instead of a return. That way I would not have to go to the top of the tank. The WB thing is still up in the air for the future.

Having it run to the top would be exactly my concern, but converting to a closed loop would really solve that problem well!!
Good Idea.
Are you planning on drilling 4 holes in the bottom of the island for each of the outlets of the CL, or what's your plan there?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7083789#post7083789 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lucubrator
Are you planning on drilling 4 holes in the bottom of the island for each of the outlets of the CL, or what's your plan there?

Yes. I figure that I will run 4 1" PVC lines through the bottom and use zip ties to hold them together. Then stack the rock around to form the island and hide the pipes in the process.
i'd be real nervous putting 4 hles ni thsame area on the bottom of the tank. Have you considered doing just the returns there and the supply in another location?