Well a few more things are sorted for tankI got home and did a 100% water change on the rock so it's back in fresh RO with plenty of circulation. I also stopped by Deer Park to pick up a few items;
- New bucket of RS salt from a mate.
- Continuum CaptivPhos to treat the rock once it's in the tank, it also contains Al2O3 to also absorb the silicates that will leach from the rock.
- Due to the rock also being completely dead, I've picked up a bottle of Dr. Tim's bacteria to seed the tank with a decent source of bacteriaI got a bottle large enough to "instant cycle" the tank lol but that's not what's going to happen! Once that's in I'll be adding a prawn for an ammonia source for the bacteria to feed on and watch the levels from there and once things settle then the first fish will be going across
- Tank spot is clean and I have commandeered a shelf in one of the cupboards so I'm ready to get rocking lol
I still need to pick up some plumbing, a few bits and bobs and sort out a sump but everything else will simply be coming acrossThe skimmer, lights, return, heaters and whatever will come across after a good soak in vinegar and some hydrogen peroxide to sterilize anything lol.
As I have nothing to show at the moment please enjoy a picture of towels and the supplements lol
LOL. Very nice assortment. I have been following along for a while.
Are these from Deer Park?
I think that by placing the red in the middle you will bring out the blue and pink a little more.
In all seriousness, I can't wait to see your new tank set up and running.