500 Gallon SPS Reef System

I'm curious on your tank bottom returns........hopefully you're going to standpipe them higher up so they don't drain your tank if the pumps fail?

nice sump setup!

My guess is those two pipes on the lside are intakes for the OM closed loop. One picture showed some sea swirls, so I would further guess that the returns are going up over the back or side.
This might help..

Tobas do you fell the Lifereef products were delivered has promised our was the time frame longer than Jeff said it would be? Looking forward to watching tank progress from start to almost happy with results.

Looks like this has been translated but I can sort of see the question.... All I'm gonna say is that the Lifereef products were not delivered in the timeframe Jeff said. There were various problems with shipping companies, which Jeff told us to handle. I do not mean to "bag" Lifereef or anything, but shipping was very slow (and expensive).
Lumenarcs here, decided to go with 400 watts to save on electricity.

Here is the light layout to be placed on a motorised steel frame. (3x lumenarcs, 4x T5s (2 either side))

How are you and Tess doing? I always get this mixed up but is your summer starting now while North America is heading towards winter? If so how hot does your town get in the summer?:beer:
Tess doing great :), summer is starting up, we are getting about a 20 degree average but it usually climbs to about 30 in december/january.

The tank has been filled with freshwater to test for leaks and such.. So far everything working perfectly. You can find the photos here:


Still to come: anti siphon thing for the protein skimmer, steel frame for lights, black acrylic to put in the overflow, and outside chiller installation. Should be filled with live rock and salt water by next weekend.